Sorry for missing yesterday but we had time constraints.
Nyngan, how damn cold does it get, well I’ll give you the guff, man it was -2 deg (and people live there….). I shared a cabin with another lady and took pity on this poor bloke (Steve, one of many Steve’s) who was camping but we had an extra bed so gave it to him.
Waiting to get going, this fella comes over and says “do you know Jeff who works in……” I say “yeah”, he says “he told me to keep an eye out for you since I was comin on this ride too”……small world. Seems I can’t go anywhere these days without some coming up to me as saying “gooday Kimmie” and I look at some of ’em and think “do I know you”….usually I don’t but they all know see my bike and know exactly who I am somehow. Anyways, making lotsa new friends.

morning meet
First stop today is Cobar for morning tea and of course the must have photo op
While in town I grab a FarChallenge pic

Grand Hotel Cobar
Then onto Emmdale for lunch & fuel. The long and winding road… a charcoal ribbon that goes on and on, and on……you get the idea. What I couldn’t get over though was the amount of goats out there. They are everywhere, thought I was going to get whiplash looking at them all…lol. My riding buddies Phil & Kim are great to travel with and funny as. We are cruising along and I’m scanning the roadside (as you do) when all of a sudden, this Emu sticks it’s head up – glup, glup. Holy bejesus batman (or words to that effect) don’t you get up – phew he stayed put. They camoflage into their surroundings and you can’t see the buggers.
Heading for Emmdale for lunch and we are overtaken by this group of riding (from the ride). It’s not the first time they overtook us and then stop and do it all again, well not this time. I pulls out waves to Phil & Kim (they get the message) and with a bit of GST it’s game on boys. Not so clever me though was having a little too much fun and overshot the lunch stop..oops, quick u-ey and all is good.
Emmdale to Broken Hill 300 kays of flat and it’s getting a bit cool. You gotta admire the landscape out here, it’s something spectacular and words I’m afraid just can’t do it justice. It’s peaceful and scenere.
Time for a quick stop or afternoon tea break. So we are having a slight windy break when Simon Bouda & Graham pull in. Chats and laughs and of course the photo op

Simon, me & Kim
CH9 news boys had stopped in and asked us could we give them some footage a bit up the road, well hell yeah. So they plonked themselves in the middle of the road and we flanked then as requested (I saw the footage today and it’s pretty good).
Anyhoos, we arrive in Broken Hill late. I nick up to the Block 10 Lookout for a FarChallenge pic and head for my digs – the caravan park. Am rushing to get ready for the bus to take us to dinner at the Army Barracks but needent have. Anny has arrived as I walk up to the bus (she was playing catchup so was glad she made it). Dinner was great and a massive merger of NSW & QLD riders all with stories to tell.
A fellow long distance rider Ghosty, kindly volunteered me to be the official Lions raffle chocolate wheel girl (my new calling). Became a bit of a celeb that night lots of folks wanting to have a chat.
Tired as and head back to our cabin, hit they hay for an early start for CH9’s weather with Stevie Jacobs in the morning.