Dark o’clock, even earlier than a sparrows fart is what CH9 asked for so we can be on the Today Show with Steve Jacobs (my new friend). Anny & I had some confusion with the whole time difference, anyway set the alarm waaaaaay to early needless to say we were the first on site at the Pig & Whistle for braodcasting.
Front & centre Kim & I are with our new friend Steve for a live broadcast of the 9 weather. So I hope you saw my mug on the telly (I’d like copies if anyway recorded it). Our final shot was the group ride out then we had the first of many waits for the day.

Stevie Jacobs & Mwa
9:00am and it’s time to roll. Phil, Kim, Anny & I roll out of town together. The scene for the day is wind and more wind, cross winds and stuff in your helmet. There aren’t many pics today cos it was too damn windy to stop. It was hard enough just keeping the bike upright (well a leaning upright). Your body tenses and you tire easily fighting every metre you ride, so Phil, Kim, Brian (another new friend) & I pull up for a 10min break at Olray and Anny waves at us as she rides on by, all good. The wind is so strong it feel like your hair is gonna blow off your head (not nice).
Here’s a pic of pretty much the entire days road view. Sorry the pics aren’t loading very well, so I’ll post them later.

Road view

Peterborough for lunch and we meet with all the other states except for NT & WA. What a massive turnout, the town was chockas. Lions again by the Lions and more sausage sandwiches (over them let me tell you) but they do a wonderful job again and we are thankful that they have come on board to help us with all our meals.
I feel like the leaning tower of Kimmie today cos when you get off the bike, you feel like you have to straighten yourself up after being sideways for so long…..lol.
On call for CH9 again, and they ask can we stop in Orroroo so they can get ahead of us for some footage. Nice little town with some metal workmanship on display.

Orroroo workmanship
It’s still windy and we wait, wait, waiting can we go yet some nearly an hour later (so much for getting into PA early). Again we are asked to regroup at Wilmington for CH9 to get a shot of us coming through Horrocks Pass. Horrocks Pass is a nice stretch of winding road the last of bends we’ll be seeing for a while. I need to grab a pic for the FarChallenge of the Cairn, so say to my ride buddies “if I disappear don’t worry, I’ll catch you up.

FarChallenge pic – Cairn, Horrocks Pass
Well pic taken & I’m ready to head out and bugger, I’m too late. All these bikes come roaring over the hill & I’m stuck. To much traffic to enjoy the last section of the pass and CH9, where the hell is CH9 for this photo. I’ll tell you nowehere in sight, not happy Jan.
Into Port Augusta and following directions from the ride coordinator and we are lost. Lucky the support vehicle spots us and we follow them to our meet point at the West Augusta Footy Club. I meet Steve Andrews (the founder of the Black Dog Ride) and chat away with him and others.
Animal cruelty I tell you – look at this poor Winston.

Poor Winston 🙁
He had a bit of an accident off Ghosty’s bike, so Ghosties now in the dog house…lol.
Catch up with some FarRiders, unpack and off to dinner by the Lions again. Have I mentioned how these guys do a fabulous job.
Early night and no CH9 duties tomorrow…I quit.
Todays map, well when I can get the pics to load up.

Day 4 Map