Well shit happens, wrote this great blog and accidentally hit the delete key before it saved, AAARRRGGGHHHHHHH
I did take pics today but the loader still is having problems, so they’ll have to wait.
What a great sleep but was woken at 5:00am by the rumble of eager engines wanting to get their mugs on telly this morning….they fooled them too!! lol
8:00am and we are on the road. Weather looks great, not windy and we are doing our own thing today. Cruising, stops when WE want and pics. I wish you could see the world where I am through my eyes, it is beautiful, words again just couldn’t do it justice.
We spot 3 emu’s just off the road, dumb creatures they are but dangerous. We stop to get a pic and the damn things run for the hills…..like they think we’re scarey lol. Our beautiful windless day soon turned to rubbish and again we are battling the head & cross winds.
I decide today to hang the camera round my neck and get some shots while I’m riding. Well not as easy as I thought it would be. Gloves & little buttons just don’t go together but eventually I turn it on and click away (some of the shots didn’t come out too bad).

Scenery shot while riding…not bad

My version of an action shot, Phil, the ST1300 , sorry missed Kimmo sitting on the back.
The wind is really riding us today and it’s hard to keep the bike on the road. By the time we get to Woomera, I think everybody is happy to get off and walk around. Imagine being blasted with a fire hose full pelt from the side and try to stay upright, well that’s kinda what it’s like – hard work.
Isn’t Woomera an interesting place. Karl would’ve loved it being the aero fella he is. Instead I just took pics for him and went “oooo” look at that…lol.

Welcome to Woomera

a rocket engine

Kimmie & Kimmo….looking georgous in wind blown Woomera
A very basic lifestyle the folk here live. Anyways, morning tea (well a muesli bar) and my ride buddies open there tajmahal of trailers for their cake & tea.
Time to fill up at Spuds Road house and the local Army blokes with their big tank thingy are there…..photo op naturally. Now we’ve stopped and you can feel the heat of the day setting the tone, so peel of a layer and on we go to Glendambo.

Army blokes and me
Now ;ve tried and tried to get this picture to rotate and it just won’t work, so tip your computer on it’s side and check it out…LOL
Again the winds are sooooo strong, it’s tiring work, especially when you are overtaking road trains….my lord. With the wind and the heat, I am consuming so much water (very essential or you fatigue quickly). Into Glendambo and the red dirt is flying everywhere and is in everything….yuk! Toasted samich for lunch and red dirt…yum, fill the camel bak again and let’s get to Coober Pedy.

Now which way to go…..

we’ve come along way but still got just over 1000 kays to Alice
The winds are pushing us to the wrongs side of the road now it’s so strong and it’s a constant battle to keep the girl upright, but we are strong and determined and push on .
Just over 50 kays down the road and passed the last loo rest stop and yep you guessed it…… It’s ok, I’ll get the next one. Well NO loo…..nooooo. Don’t panic, I say to Phil & Kim pull in at the next one, she’ll be right. The next one came and went too, no loo again bugger and no I’m getting desperate. Phil starts to slow down to below the speed limit…WHAT, I’m busting mate get a move on. I think he’s gone to sleep so out I go and off trying to get to Coober as quick as I can. Angel’s dialled in even with the wind and I’m a woman on a mission. Into Coober & the first servo……PHEW!!!! I apologise to the attendents and then fuel up and head back to get my FarChallenge pic of the truck on a pole. Relax now.

FarChallenge pic
Find our digs, unpack, shower, socialise and off for dinner and the only place in town that must be open. Took over 1 hour just to get a pizza, nevermind, afterall there are 300 extra people in town tonight.
Big day tomorrow just shy of 700 kays, so it’s off to bed now.
Hope you are enjoying the trip so far and I promise I’ll put the pics up as soon as I can.