It’s surprising how good I slept last night in our bat cave (3×3 room carved into rock)

the Bat Cave
to wake to only a few bikes this morning as CH9 were doing broadcasts from where we were staying. Martin the manager has got fire pits going all over the grounds for us as it’s a bit brrrrrr. Hundreds of people are about, truly amazing.
A friend sets me quests for each ride trip so here is the first of hopefully 4 Quest photos I’m to achieve… Emu

Quest photo – an Emu
Bikes are revved up eager to get on the road and hopefully not have the winds we’ve been plagued with. The sights out here are unbelieveable, mind fields and mountains ranges for as far as the eye can see.

Mine fields out of Coober
The roads are long and the surface is not….not like home with that bumpy crap. The vastness and isolation is soon apparent and I try to look at things from the perspective of my friend. Trying to get how her head or she was feeling. The landscape is what I used to feel how alone (even though she wasn’t) she must’ve been feeling….it’s pretty daunting. I shed a tear for her.
I stop for a splash and dash in Kulgera and then it’s onto Erldunda for lunch and more fuel. Open roads and the throttle……what a beautiful feeling and Angel, well, she just loves it…he he he. My new best friends and the rest of the crowd have to pull in at the border for the manditory shot (as you do). Northern Terrotiry we have arrived YAY!!!! The heat is starting to set in, much different to the heat at home and more layers are coming off….where are you Karl!!

We made it to NT
I’d been a bad mother and had forgotten to feed Winston along the way (but to be honest with you I think he has been feeding off my emotions). So I gave him a muesli bar…YUM thanks Kimmie.

Winston at the Border. He was a bit hungry by then…..bad me forgot to feed him along the way…
The Stuart Highway what a piece of road. Stretches for miles and miles and is like it will never end. We pass the camel farm on the left and then the Memorial to the Cannon Ball Run. I don’t know much about this, but had to stop anyway. I will find out more when I get home.

Memorial of the Cannon Ball run – Stuart Hway
Heaps of dead wildlife on the roadside and the wedgetail eagles are lovin’ it. I could count how many I saw on this stretch (well it’s the only stretch we have actually seen them) but we have been pretty lucky with animals thus far….keep ya fingers crossed.
Alice Spring, what a sight for sore dust blown eyes that sign was. Pull off onto more dirt roads (not afraid of gravel or dirt anymore, I’ve done enough of it this trip to last a while). The obligatory photo for prosperity and get me to my digs I need a shower.

Covered in RED dust we all finally made it to Alice…WOO HOO
I swear, there was red dust where you’d think with all this gear on it couldn’t get….but no. Laundry time before a shower (I had nothing clean left to put on) and twaddling back from the laundry I came across this little guy….aint he cute!! They are everywhere.

Some of the wildlife roaming around the Heavitree Resort where we are staying
Feeling human, Anny, Phil, Kim, Ghosty & I head upto Dreaming for our dinner and light entertainment. They had this guy named Tommy Crow, he’s a didgeridoo player and story telling. Anyways he said some lovely words and played that didgi like he was born with it in his mouth. Another lady from the local tribe welcomed us to Alice (her home) and read this beautiful poem (hopefully I can get a copy of it).
We stay for a bit then head to the tavern. I have dessert and a decent cuppa tea before heading back for bed and hopefully a dead to the world sleep.
Please bear with me, the blogging is a little harder than I thought. But the time we have at the end of the day and reception aint the best. So I’m doing my best for now and will update things a bit better later. I have a feeling I need a bloopers page for all the things I remember later (I think of all the really cool stuff while I’m riding).