It’s the morning that I wish wouldn’t come. The saying hooroo to all my new friends, and to my new best friends Phil & Kim. So hugs all round and Kimmo & I just put the inevitable off as long as we could. It was a teary “catchy later”, this woman Kimmo, I swear Darani had in her grand plan for us to meet after she had gone. I thank you for looking after me with such a wonderful person. Kimmo & I laughed so hard and so much for the entire 7 days….good therapy in my books.

Winston thought he could get a few extra minutes before
Another huge thanks must go to Phil & Sue (the ride coordinators). They were there when I cracked yesterday and helped me out. Later when we got back to base, Phil made a special point of coming to see me to make sure I was ok. We had a great long chat and this is what all these people that came on this ride are here for, to bring awareness to this terrible illness.
The FarRiders are doing a ride out to Glen Helen Resort but first we do a quick trip up to the Tropic of Capricorn. We turn around and head back into Alice to turn right and head to Glen Helen. Magical, that’s the only way to describe the views….you guys just don’t know what you are missing. This road is like a baby roller coaster, up then down, up then down. Along the way we spot (at separate times) 2x dingo….scrawny things they were too!

FarRider crew & a couple of extras at Tropic of Capricorn

Angel at the Tropic of Capricorn
About 20 odd kays out of GH, Ghosty takes us up to this lookout…..WOW!! The views are breathtaking. Now I thought I’d seen most things but Ghosty pulls out this bottle of Champes, cheese and bikkies off his bike… had to see it to believe it….lol. A small celebration to us FarRiders and we head to Glen Helen.

view from the lookout where we had light refreshments…Thanks Ghosty

Nice gathering
Now I thought (and ya know how that story goes) being a “resort”, well ya kinda expect something special. Well, it’s special but more dirt roads and not like I’d imagined, but I tell ya well worth it. The view from our room door is ……you decide for yourself.

Our Resort rooms
So there is no reception so I’m blogging in word for now, while we all congregate outside Annies and my room and shoot the breeze. Long stories, tall stories, jokes and lotsa laughter, beautiful…..what riding mates do best.

view from our room….not bad hey
Anyway, it’s 6:15 and dinner is soon, I’m waiting for the sun to set so I can grab a (hopefully) serene photo and say a little word to Darani.
