start of the day
Anny & I are riding our own rides today and we agree to meet up in Barcaldine, so Anny heads off while I’m just finishing getting ready.
Start of the day and what a georgeous one, hopefully it what get toooo hot.
The roads from the bushfires last night are open again thank goodness (I don’t do change of plan well…lol). So it’s 634kays today and with some luck I’ll pull into Barcaldine about 2pm.
First stop for the day is Kynuna and this quirky pub is just up the road from the servo.

Pub at Kynuna
The scenery today isn’t as interesting as it has been. Lot’s of flat cattle land, complete with cows, then all of a sudden Winston woofs “kimmie we need to stop, look hills…bark bark”. So we did and this dude in a ute stopped also to make sure I was OK (I’d overtaken him earlier).

Winston sight seeing
Now these guys were all over the road so I had to stop and then slowly work my way through, hoping they didn’t want to get to curious.

took this after I got through them
Cruise into Winton and yep, the heat has set in and it’s only gonna rise unfortunately. Anyway, Brett from QLD arrives just after me so we grab a bite to eat. The locals are friendly, even these two I found just standing around – loitering if I must say, outside a shop LOL. I wish I’d bought them and had them shipped home (not that I think would be impressed or that we have anywhere to put them).

Fred & Ginger
The road seems hazy and long, so long heading towards Longreach. I pull into Longreach finally and go in search of another FarChallenge pic….ta dar – mission accomplished.

FarChallenge pic
Time for fuel and fill the camelbak (which I’ve already drained-very essential for this type of riding IMO). Only 100kays to Barcaldine and boy is it hot. the sweat is dripping down my body and I have all the vents open and the front zip partly down. I am so glad to see the Welcome to Barcaldine sign. I hit the local IGA for some goodies, then head to the caravan park to meet Anny.
I check in and the attended says she was here but must’ve gone into town about 10 minutes ago…no worries. So park the bike in sand….yuk and start unloading. Then I notice this little bag on the table – what’s this? Open it up and it’s from Anny. A small gift for sharing acco with her but there is too much daylight left for her and she continues onto Charleville. Anny you are a wonderful lady and I will ride my ride and I hope you do too!!!
The internet, well, doesn’t always give you the correct impression of a place. So this time I have picked a fizzer but my cabins neighbours are ok.
I walked into town early this afternoon and look what I found.

Goat Race??
Now my SR friends reading this will get quite a kick outta this one……how did goaty get all the way out here (Harry did you fly him out?? LOL!!)
Walked back into town tonight for dinner at the Shakespeare Hotel and made some more new friends with grey nomads Lynne & Tom. They are on their way home to WA.
Walked back to my cabin and here I am, typing like a crazy woman trying to everything up to date with the FREE wi-fi the caravan park provide – thank goodness. No phone coverage though, probably til Bourke, so be patient.
I am so missing my travel buddies, Kimmo, Phil, Noel & Audrey and the hours of laughter we’d have.
Spoke to Karl from a pay phone this arvo and I am so missing him and am looking forward to getting home to him….Love you Sweety xxxxxx