Another sleep in “NOT”…lol, you’d think I’d get used to it but am just accepting that the sleep in will have to wait until I get home.
Ghosty, Carsten & Lionel (3 FarRiders) asked Anny & I to witness documentation last night for their attempt at a SS1600. So this morning they are up early and packed waiting for the petrol bowsers to open so they can get a docket and get goin’.

Ready, set, go….
The sun is rising and “oh boy” the light show against the rock face is gorgeous. I am also ready to go, so after waving the guys off, it’s back to get the last of my things and get goin’ myself. Anny & I did our own thing today. She went back to Alice and stayed to do the Fishers Run and me well I hit the road in search of Devils Marbles and hopefully some good photos along the way.

my red rock “quest pic”, what a beautiful show it was.
Like most mornings, it cool but by the time I reach Alice, it’s lovely. Fuel up and 2 couples come over to chat to me about the Black Dog I am carrying. Well, 20 minutes later they are most appreciative of what we the BDR Riders are doing and asked for the web details. The word is slowly spreading and when it comes from the heart it’s easy to talk to strangers about these things.
It’s amazing what goes through your head when you’re in your helmet. You have so much time to think and think of cool stuff to write, but by the time I get to the keyboard it’s gone. In saying that though, I was chatting to a fellow last night about life and love and it was then when I spoke with him that I realised how much love I have for Karl and the special people that make up my life. How fortunate am I, when others find it difficult to see the beauty and love, which can be sitting there right in front of them.
Times a wastin’ and I need to get going. You gotta love the speed limit up here 130 kph, so you can speed and not get in trouble….he he he. I stop again at the Tropic of Capricorn for another photo (it’s not crowded this time) and go again.
Man, my bladder is getting smaller on this trip and I have to find a rest stop. Next town Airleron, so I pull in but no way am I stopping too many locals and I don’t fancy leaving the bike unattended. However they do have this really cool statue, check it out

he’s called the Walk-about Man
Next stop is Ti-Tree. It’s here is join up with 6 Harley riders from WA, so I ask can I sit at the back and travel with them for a bit. What a mistake that was, I got so tired, lost focus and started to get real hot. So next rest stop I’m in and stripping off. Back on the road again and within 5 minutes all is good in the world again. I’ve got the camera hanging around my neck now and taking happy snaps while I’m riding along (who knows how they’ll turn out but here’s hoping there are a couple of goodens).
Into Wycliffe Wells and the Harley crew are there. What an unusual place, aliens and space stuff everywhere. The heat is setting in so I decide to have lunch, sit in the shade, enjoy the breeze, before heading out again.

Wycliffe Wells
Onto Devils Marbles for my FarChallenge pic….WOW how many marbles are there and how hot was it. Well I couldn’t find the exact marbles so I took heaps of pics just to make sure. With sweat dripping off me, it’s time to get going. Lucky all the vents in my gear are open as it’s working as a cooling system….thank god for that.
Only 100 kays to Tennant Creek, the last leg for the day. So in for fuel and this bloke comes over to start chatting. Turns out he’s riding around Australia on his Harley raising funds for cancer. Now to find the Outback Caravan Park, check in and have a long deserved shower before catching the courtesy bus to the Memorial Club for dinner. Chicken parma for dinner with some more new friends Paul & Martin. Just about ready to leave and who should walk it but DazzaB and Jack. I say my good nights and board the bus back to the park to wait for Anny.
All relaxed and typing away and I hear Anny arrive, so I go out to greet her and here we are chatting (well she’s doing most of it) while I finish todays blog.