It was almost a shame to leave my cabin this morning, but I’m missing home and wanna be there tonight.The routine of unpacking, repacking and loading up Angel I now have down pat, so it’s doesn’t take long to get on the road.
But before I get going I just have to take some more shots of this fabulous place

- look back at the cabins
On the road again, well that wasn’t playing through my MP3 but it was Country Music none the same. The realism od heading home……

only 365 kays to Dubbo…YAY
I should knock this over in no time. The best time of the day’s ride for me is in the mornings. The air is crisp (a bit cooler than I was anticipating compared to what I’ve had previous mornings) but everything is waking, yep that includes the wildlife.
Goats were the flavour of this mornings run. They look so cute all huddled together grazing at the roadside and smart……these guys actually run away from you, now if you could only train the kangaskippyroos and emu we’d be laughin’.
For a change this morning I actually saw breathing skippies, feating on the roads edge. So with Rule #1 in mind (make it home safely), I slow right down, almost stop a few times and wait for the skippy to make it’s mind up which way it’s going, then I continue on.
Tawdling along, la lala la la, I come across this peaceful country pub with post office attached at Mulga

Mulga Pub

and the post office
Now thedre isn’t a lot to report back on axcept that the wind is picking up and it’s getting cool.
Next stop Nyngan for fuel, boy did that 205 kays goes quick. We’d passsed through here on the way to Alice but this time I went itno town. Fulled Angel and decided to go and get changed….I was way too cold and the lady in the servo said there is a cold front coming. So, all thermalled up again I head off.
Out of Nevertire you start to see canola fields, what a beautiful sight

canola field
Now I don’t know if you can tell by the pic but eh wind is picking up and it’s chilly.
Sorry there aren’t anymore pics from here as I was a woman on a mission.
Todays plan was out the window and I had only one agenda, home and quick. I was supposed to stop in Narromine for a splash and dash according to my plan but I decided to push onto Dubbo instead. I ring Karl and he says “you’re making good time Sweety”, yep you better believe it. Donned another layer of thermal and get goin’ for hoping to make Lithgow soon.
Well, the wind is reallyt blowing now and it’s the chill factor is like freezing…..brrrrrr. My heated grips I’m having troubke with so by the time I get to Bathurst, the old hads are a bit stiff. I decide to pull into a servo and check out the problem. Can’t see anything wrong, fuses are ok, no smouldering from electrics or anything obvious that I could tell. Anyway I thought, push on.
In the meantime, the traffic from Molong and the road works has become a joke and the “good time” I was making was fastly slipping from my fingers. There are signs today on the road warning you of “ice on the road”…’re kiddin’ aren’t ya – ice, crap. So the pace has slowed to below the limit, there is NO ice but the wind chill factor certainly has “ice” in it.
I am so cold, that my fingers have frozen up on the bars and my body is ccccold, but this is what riding come with – all conditions ad you make the most of it.
Lthgow 17kays, couldn’t cme quick enough, the traffic is like old woman, nattering while crossing the road – get a move on. Into Maccas, pry my fingers off the bars, pull the seat, ring Karl and try to figure out what’s going on with my grips. It’s so cold my teeth are chatting while I;m talking to him. It’s just on 3pm and I tell him I’m gonna have a bite to eat and a hot chocolate to try and defrost, then out some more clothes on and my thermal glove liners before tackling Bells Line of Road.
Myt hair is almost blowing off my head again it’s so windy but down Bells I go. Poor Angels shoes are soooo swuare it amkes corning with any speed difficult, so I take the cautious stand of instead of fighting the bellowing winds just sit behind a truck and try to take shelter from some of it. Needless to say it’s a slow trip through the worst part of theis road but at least a safe option.
Finally wave hoo-roo to the truck and get going only to be slowed again by Sunday drivers (again not even doing the speed limit….grrrr). Do de do de do……..finally a break and I round these puppies up and gone, see ya later. North of Bilpin though I come across another road block, only a bus this time… de do de do. What’s goin’ on people can’t you all tell I wanna get home TODAY!!!!
Down through Bellbird Hill and roll ever so slowly into Richmond. Afternoon traffic sux, give me the country roads any day. Richmond Rd, well at least we are doing the limit now and the M7 turn off is in sight. YAY home bound now only 30 minutes to go.
Hoe excited was I to pull into the drive tonight (a lot later than I had hoped) but at least I was home. However, where was everyone else. No Ella at the gate barking, no Karl coming to greet me…sad panda. So I let myself in, Karl’s brother emerges from the lounge and Ella is going banana’s…..mummy you’re home!!!! lick lick lick.
Where’s Karl??? nothing is wrong, but there have been some changes while I’ve been away (but that’s another story that I don’t wish to get into). So I unload Angel, give Ella hug mummy hugs and kisses, then proceed to unpack my stuff.
Karl finally arrives home and I fling myself into his arms like there is no tomorrow…I missed you soooooo much Sweety, kiss, kiss, kiss…
So here I was hoping for a good nights sleep in my own bed, but instead my head is a buzz and I can’t sleep. So like any demented person, at stupid dark o’clock time since I’ve been awake , I decided to update the blog for y’all.
There are a couple of posts that I will update with pics now that I’m home and of course I’ll add the bloopers page and add pics others have taken of me and a summary.
So for now the ride has ended but I don’t think the journey that I undertook will, it was a life experience that I wish you could all see from my eyes and heart.