Ride the Snowies with friends after Christmas for a few days before going back to work for me – how could you not take up the opportunity. Ella-Jane spending her holiday with Nanny & Pa while Karl & I head away.
We meet at Pheasants Nest, fuel up and head out straight down the slab. Nothing to see here! It’s hot already and we have a short break at Mendooran where Gene advises he needs fuel – what? Already! Anyways, another stop in Jugiong where Gene’s bike’s stator dies. We all eventually meet up at Gundagai for fuel and lunch and the guys hatch a plan to help Gene out.
Had to stop for this one.

apparently there is a matching sign somewhere near the Dog on the Tuckerbox….but I’ve never seen it.
Karl, Paul & Gene head to Albury and the rest of us travel through as planned to Tumut, Kiandra, through Cabramurra Way (I think the real name of the road is Link Rd & changes to Goat Ridge Rd). The guys are goooone and I’m happy just to cruise on my own, take in a bit of the scenery. Into Khancoban for fuel and afternoon tea – well milkshakes and a banana for me. Have a chat to a fella I met back on the 2012 Black Dog Ride – he has one arm, rides a KLR650 and is happy to chat away (for the life of me though I can’t remember his name).
It’s humid and still hot and I’m not in the mood to do Granya this afternoon so I decide to split from the group and head through Corryong (Andy joined me) before arriving in Tallangatta, where Karl, Paul & Gene are already kicking back. Dinner at the Victoria Hotel (not the greatest) before returning for stories and bullshit….cos that’s whatyado! Also…..Is there a Doctor in the house??
After dinner we go for a walk down along Lake Hume and watch the sunset.
Friend to all down this way, Ward has generously offered to act as tour guide today (since it was reported/believed that Hotham was supposed to be overrun by lycra clad road thieves today). Breaky at the local MJ’s Bakery (great coffee) and full of all wondrous calorie delicacies that one really only needs to indulge in once.
Ward leads us out through a maze of back roads to the famous Cow Rd (Gundowring Rd) before weaving us through Happy Valley, Mrytleford past Gapsted Wines before arriving at the Milawa Cheese Factory right on morning tea time.
A cloud covered day does not instinctively mean it’s going to be cooler by any means. Due to the intermittent rain the day before and overnight there is the heaviness of humidity hanging around. Some sample the offerings of the cheese factory while I was happy just to wonder round and listen to conversation. Then it’s through Oxley (where I think of fellow LD rider OX-34), Moyhu, King Valley and then Whitfield where we turn to head into the twisties. Back down the road the a bit we’d passed 2x unmarked Mr Plods both sitting on KL1600’s in Navy Blue (almost black) with camouflaged gear sitting just off to the right….sneaky buggers.
Waving the boys through cos I don’t want to hold them up, I start my climb after them. Nice road, a bit damp, leaf litter and twigs from the overnight rains but lovely scenery. I stopped at a point up the hill to take a pic.
Wasn’t stopped for very long but two corners later and Mr Plods escorted me all the way to Tolmie Pub where everyone was waiting patiently for me. Naturally I was a good girl and road sensibly to which earnt me a pleasing wave by both Mr Plods as I pulled off the road. Charming pub with motorcycle friendly staff served us lunch in no time. Foods not bad, the pulled pork burger looked fabulous and I was told was fabulous. With lunch done it’s back down the hill at a steady pace since it’s raining now and as sticky as.
We weaved way back following our tour guide through Milawa-Tarrawingee Rd into Upper Everton before ending up at the back end of Beechworth for fuel. Again we afford fabulous countryside as we snake through Osborns Flat, Allans Flat, Staghorn Flat before popping out at Tangambalanga Flat….LOL…not there’s not Flat at Tangambalanga, just the Murray Goulburn – Danone/Devondale Factory. Waving hoo-roo to Ward – Thanks Mate! we follow the highway back to Tallangatta. Swim time!!! YAY!!
Dinner tonight is at the Tallangatta Hotel were Mark & Esther joined us (they spotted Karl & I passing through Yackandandah) and sent a message. A lovely family dinner for 10 was had that night along with the swapping of stories, catching up and remedies for McGiver stator fixes were had. It was lovely to see Mark & Esther again but as the story goes, all good things must come to an end and they head back to Wodonga for the rest of their trip.
Thunderstorms that night and I’d said to Karl “if it’s raining tomorrow, I’m doing my own thing”. Well there was heaps of rain overnight and in fact woke to rain – my plan fixed for the day – day off. Gene was heading to Albury to acquire the necessary McGiver equipment for the temp fix (that’s his story to tell) and the boys, well they still decided to go do Hotham. So I kiss Karl toddle-loo and be careful and give the guys the same be careful as they rode out the driveway in the rain. Time to kick back & relax, read some book, listen to the rain then suit up and head on into Yackandandah for lunch.
Although Yack’s only a 31.2km ride, I enjoyed the solitude it afforded me. Found a park and walked the town (both sides of it…lol). Sussed out the info centre for future accommodation in the area for finding myself in a crystal, incense burning shop which had a little bit of everything. Found the cutest pair of socks and ended up spending about 15 minutes chatting away to the lady behind the counter. Unfortunately the pie shop was full, I couldn’t even get in the door so ended up having lunch in the bakery – a pie and vanilla milkshake (wasn’t bad either).
On the way back stopped for a pic and to check the phone to find one of the boys (not Karl) had rung and not left a message. Panic set in and I returned his call and left a message that I was 13km outta Tallangatta and presumed that something had gone horribly wrong and was heading back toot-sweat! Arriving back I discovered that the group had split up due to poor visibility (actually zero visibility) up the mountain and so two of them had decided to turn around and the other three (including Karl) had pushed through. When I took a breath, I realised that he must be ok cos we spoke when he was at Omea for lunch so all would be good just had to wait for them to get back.
Weather is not forecasted to be great in Victoria for the next few days so we decide to head home with the group. We go over Granya and along the river to Jingellic (where the bunnies are out in abundance this morning) before rolling into Tumbarumba for morning tea. We’ve had a bit of rain this morning and the humidity is atrocious…all your gear is sticking to you and just feels yukky. Through the scenic hills of Batlow before popping into Tumut and then into Gundagai to regroup, say our farewells and thank Dan for organising the weekend.
Karl & I push onto to Jugiong for fuel. Jugiong is a hive of activity today. Who knew or knows what wondrous occasion had the biggest influx of people to this town that doesn’t (on the surface) seem to have much. Back out on the highway and its The Slab but not before turning off to Gunning where we had lunch at The Old Hume Café (heaps of people here too…must be something happening in small country towns today). Nothing to report from here really, it’s the Hume Highway with holiday traffic heading back for the New Year (I presume). It’s still horridly humid and on the outskirts of Campbelltown the temperature spikes to 42 degrees (according to Dudley) and I cannot wait to get home and outta my gear. Took forever to get through the Sydney traffic before we landed back in the drive of home.
GunningAs always, it’s good to get away for a few days. Am I sorry I didn’t get to do Hotham and the Mitta Mitta road – no. It was my holiday also and sometimes you enjoy not going with the group and doing your own thing.
Here’s the SPOT map of the journey….nothing much exciting but was still good to be on the bike.