Bwahahaha…….not really, I should’ve been riding. A bit of a set back with the hand injury means it’s still a coupla weeks before I’m hoping to be back on Dudley again….fingers crossed. Since I had booked the time off work and it was a long weekend, thought I may as well make the most of it still and go in Dougal – the FarCar!! Camping booked in Goondiwindi and since I was in the car, it made sense to take Felicity’s camping gear with me. Off we go Friday morning road tripping.

Up the freeway to the Hunter Expressway then out through Denman for a morning coffee…it’s a beautiful day to be out. Then out through Merriwa, got stopped by a police escort wide load before cruising through the quaint little town of Coolah. Must go back there and check out the 2 coffee shops. Looking at the fuel gauge and I should make it to Mullaley as originally planned. Stop at The Black Stump for a pic and you know what I think you could actually camp there if you have all your water etc…..hmmmm bank that for another time.

Just north of here there, the road crew is laying a new road surface…wet tar everywhere. Sat there for 10-15 minutes waiting….with the engine off as the range indicator and the GPS distance to Mullaley had me running 2 km’s short…oops. As I pull into the roadhouse the fuel range turns to ZERO and the GPS announces that “you have reached your waypoint”….LOL 😜

North of here I was ever vigilant for wildlife. Gunnedah came and went, travelling along the Kamilaroi Highway watching the scenery charge from barren fields on one side to green on the other. Head into Narrabri rocking along to my country music, then pass the little town of Edgeroi which has been closed down. At one point looks like they had fuel not no more. The weather gods certainly have turned it on for today…the sun is set high and emanating a lovely 30 degrees with a light breeze….yes I did wind down the windows of the car to take a deep breath of country air. Thought of Ed535 as I passed by the Moree Airport and kept on going.
It’s mid-afternoon, bewitching time for wildlife, so it’s with caution and eyes wide that I travelling this section. There’s a lovely new Shell on the way into Boggabilla and the old Wobbly Boot Hotel is still there…although I don’t think it is open anymore as all the windows seemed to be boarded up. Still I had to stop for a pic.

Almost to Goondiwindi now and looking forward to setting up and having a feed, not before stopping for wine and cheese. Arrive at Goondiwindi Holiday Park ~5pm, 3 hours earlier than I had advised Malcolm. He was surprised and disappointed that I wasn’t on the bike (as I had originally said when I made the booking). Gave me the key and pointed me in the right direction for our campsite. Nestled into the back of the park close enough to a camp kitchen and one of the amenities blocks. Set up camp Kimmie and when I emerged from the tent after making my bed, darkness had completely fallen. I thought about setting up Felicity’s tent but not having done it before thought it probably best just to assist her when she arrives.
Off to the Royal Hotel for a good feed of Snitty, chips & salad and a Pale Ale, Felicity arrives just as I’m finishing my dinner. We head to the van park and proceed to set up camp Felicity in the dark with the assistance of Dougalls headlights.
Saturday, ride day….well drive day for me. Although heading to the same destination we ride/drive our own plan and departed from the van park nice and early. Being in the car felt strange but gave me the privilege of time to stop and take more piccies……gotta be happy about that . Seeing as we’d missed breakfast, stopped at Moonie to grab a coffee and a tasty muffin for breaky which I ended up eating on the road anyway.

The grain fields are a plenty out here but not all are loaded with crop as this one….mind you there were quite a few bare patches. Thought I’d try an arty farty photo of the wheat? up close and all personal like, plus one of me (cos I can). Yes it was a bad hair day.

Made an impromptu stop in Miles cos I saw some bikes in the servo carpark near the bridge. Couldn’t help myself had to go find out who it was and Walshy, Danzzr, Giggles and there was someone else, but I can’t think who it was….sorry please forgive me. Anyhoos, time to keep moving. Why does the road seem so much more boring in the car than when I ride? A long straight road normally wouldn’t bother me on the bike but in the car it was a whole different experience.
Saw a sign to a lagoon and though I’d take a look, you never know when you mind need a camp site or an off the road rest area and this spot seems to be ok. Caliguel Lagoon, right on the river, nice road to get there, even has a toilet (bonus) and peaceful…well it was this morning.

Still with a timeline to meet as you don’t want to be late…even if you are in the car, I push on to Wandoan. It’s a tiny town that at first I thought consisted of just the service road but there is a but more…not much but more. There is a supermarket, the pub of course where we had lunch, laundromat and a few others including a community hall/information centre. Arrived at the Wandoan Pub and a few riders had already pulled up including Felicity under the shade of the few trees available. Thought I’d assist and conduct check-in for Ghosty & Clint (since I couldn’t qualify anyway) before taking the group photo and a few others.

With check-in complete those staying for lunch headed inside while we waved those not staying fare-the-well. Lunch, well what can I say……I won’t be recommending this place to anyone. The sour puss faces on the woman serving should’ve said it all….. I think had felicity and I ordered what the burger like all the guys, we’d have received our meal quicker but still slow. However some hour later our meals arrived and really weren’t worth the wait. Had I known when I ordered the quiche that they had to make it from scratch, I’d have ordered something else…rant over.
Farewelled the rest of the crew and we headed back to Goondiwindi for another night at Camp Girl Power. Ice-cream at Condamine and finally stopped for a pic of the Condamine Bell. On the way back one of the cattle farmers were grazing the cattle on the main roadside…..mustering on horseback which in itself was a lovely sight to see and not one I see often.

Back at camp while waiting for Felicity, I cooled off in the thermal pool and spa….ahhhhhh, so refreshing, the only missing was the glass of wine and platter of cheese and bickies.

After Felicity arrived and we had a nice relaxing dip in the spa we ventured back to camp for our dinner of champions…… with cheese, bickies and dip – naturally 😊

Another good night’s sleep in the Tahjma-Kimmie but it’s time to pack up, say good-bye for now and be on the road headed home. Good morning Goondiwindi!

However, I couldn’t stop without getting a pic of Gunsynd – The Goondiwindi Grey before I leave. Check out more here Gunsynd Race Horse – The Goondiwindi Grey

With nothing open in town, it’s off to Moree for breaky. Drive around town and nothing, narda, zippo was open, so had to resort to stopping at the 7th Street Café located at the Puma Service Centre near the airport.

The advantage in the car is the air conditioning as the days temperature slowly crept up. A not so quick stop in Gunnedah which was nice to see in daylight and with time to look. Who knew they had tributes to the miners around town and clean facilities. Grabbed some lunch at Maccas and it’s off again.

The road home from Gunnedah is well travelled by me and one that never really changes. Quirindi, Murrurundi (where I thought I’d get a nice pie but nope), Muswellbrook and the slab back down the all too familiar M1 Freeway to home. In the door about 5pm and enough time to unpack and have dinner with Sweety.
I didn’t count the clock or keep a score of the trip. It was time out of the office to enjoy tripping on the road to see other like-minded (some would call us crazies) motorcyclists.
Once again would I do it all again – naturally the answer is ABSOLUTELY!!