WOW, the first FarRide I’ve organised and the nerves were a little high. Would the event work, would people turn up, how will I manage check-in? All good questions and as it turned out all ones I didn’t need to stress about. People turned up (on time) well most of them, the venue was better than I imagined and YES, I had help from our larger than life friend Hackle. But how did it start…..
Friday 12:32pm from the local Shell servo (a new guy on the counter now and just didn’t get the whole “what time does your machine say” importance and I’m off. Getting out of Sydney is always a testing experience so headed through the back roads of Dural and popped out Windsor Rd and high-tailed it for Richmond, Bells Line of Road and into Lithgow with some annoying traffic…oh well
Freeway to Bathurst and a coupla laps of the Might Mount Panorama to make up some kays.

Out through Manildra when I had to get fuel (91 unfortunately) and a quick snack / comfort stop as I wanted to nail as many lays while I still had good light and the wildlife decided to coma and play.

Through Parkes and Forbes then travelled a road I don’t think I’ve done before…The Henry Lawson Way. Very picturesque, calming in fact but not calming enough to left my guard down for those damn hopping rats. Grenfell a nice little town came and went, time marches on and the sun starts it’s slow descent.

Young to Cootmundra and the sunset is truly leaving me to the mysteries of the dark….but I’m still smiling (inside my helmet…LOL)

Not far down the road though, my heart was in awe of the sight before my eyes…..

Cootamundra for fuel and it’s well and truly dark proper now. I check the new Tuturo oiler we installed on Dudley and it seems to be using (flinging) a lot more oil than I would’ve thought. Oil on the tread isn’t good so I do my best to remove what I can and make a note to keep an eye on it and rectify further once I get to Tumut. Needless to say the trip down Muttama Rd (one I haven’t travelled before was tense). Too afraid to lay Dudley over and nowhere to pull up. Just before I reach the Hume highway though there’s this pub on the right with good lighting so I pull up stumps there and access the situation. More oil in the oiler and dial the thing down, wipe off the tyre and head for the Hume Highway.
Turn off at South Gundagai – Gocup Rd and on the final leg now to Tumut. That last bit seems to take forever, but I realised that at the last stop my vertigo had kicked in somewhere along the ride in the dark….not ideal, I just need to take it easy. Roadworks on Gocup Rd and “gravel” in the dark not my idea of fun. Followed the cages in front at a nice easy pace under the speed limit and eventually we all arrived in Tumut.
Tumut Golden Arches for dinner, a quick call to Karl for some technical advice and then off to the Amaroo motel to hit the hay for a bit.
Saturday morning the alarm is yelling at me….get out of bed you lazy cow, but mmy head hurts and no drugs on board to assist. Over to the servo and address the oily tyre situation is the priority today and then head off. Bit chilly, fresh I’d say but maybe I shudda put me cardi on.
Ah, The Snow Mountains Highway should be on every ones list of roads to ride or drive, I just wish I could see it. The fog is so thick it’s like a fluffy doona wafting down to embrace Dudley and I. A short stop at Blowering Dam and I think I’d like to come back here and camp….looks lovely and not too far from town.

My head isn’t playing fair this morning and the world is moving in it’s own dimension so I just have to take it easy. It’s hard to believe that when you can see views like that, that others things can occupy your mind but it is “vertigo” and at Perry’s Lookout not too far down the road I have to stop again. I know, I hear you all….you should’ve stopped, rung in sick, something but this isn’t new to me. I’ve dealing with this for over 10 years now and know when enough is enough. Anyways, Perry Lookout provided a lovely vista for me.

Not far to Kiandra and the fog is just getting thicker. Parts of it was like some one got a bread knife and carved a perfect rectangular block out for Dudley and I to venture through before closing the end of the loaf for us to slowly weave our way through. But the fog isn’t the only thing happening this morning, the Brumbies are out. Lots of them if the poo on the road is any indication. So it’s eyes wide and hearing alert for these majestic creatures.
At the Mt Selwyn turn off though I had to stop again cos I’m freezing – yep shudda put the cardi on earlier. It doesn’t matter I allowed plenty of fat in my plan this morning just in case. When you actually look at where you are, it was mind blowing. The sign was rising behind the cloud cover and fog….absolutely breath taking.

To my amazement though just up the road the Brumby poo was real fresh, steaming fresh so I look around slowly and

Sweeping into Adaminaby and the cloud is starting to lift and by the time I get to Cooma, the morning has been born. Breakfast at the 123 Coffee House (somewhere new to me), fuel for Dudley and lets get cracking.
Feeling a lot better since breakfast and the oiler seems to be better tuned in now so we sit at a nice pace on the eastern side of the Snowys Highway. Compared to yesterday the fields on this side are green and lush and fresh smelling.
Down Brown Mountain but not before another stop at Pipers Lookout

And a bit of fun we had….not too much but just enough to lift my spirits. Get to the end and turn left and head to Cobargo. Now somewhere along here I see another rider (in my rear view) not sure who but figure they must be going where I am….and they were! I sat at a slightly spirited pace and was feeling much more comfortable now that the day proper had emerged into something glorious.
TAH DAH Bermagui!!! and to my amazement nearly everyone was already there π Being the ride coordinator for this one left my socialising time out the window and my official hat popped on pretty quickly. Had enough time though to find the chemist and get something to get my head sorted.
What a whirlwind checkin was. Everyone is so lovely, wanting to say hello, eager to get their names checked off, enjoy a little piece of Kimmie time…thanks everyone you made me feel special.
Thank goodness, I had Hackle and Clint there by my side to assist me and then the group photo was taken (well several) and everything was done. 6 new members and one of those is a whole 9 years Young – congrats Jett (hopefully grandad will let you steal *cough* borrow one of his bikes when you are old enough and you can lead him on a ride).
The venue was fabulous!!! Bermagui Beach Hotel opposite the park and perched up on the high side of town overlooking the ocean. Those of us who stayed overnight gathered for a little social function back here for dinner and lies *cough* story telling before retiring to our respective abodes for a goods nights sleep.

Sunday morning and it’s time to head home to my Sweety. Dudley and I are tired, the hand is sore and the head is in check (well better than it was) and we wave good bye to Bermagui but hopefully we’ll be back again next year π
Easy run up the coast and enough fuel to get me a fair way up the road. Nothing except Macca’s is open on the way up and I wanted to stop at a cafe for breakfast. After 9 I decide to stop at Burrill Lake just south of Ulladulla at a little cafe that you can’t see from the street…it’s round the corner and delightful.
Lakeside Cafe adjoins a retirement village and has a lovely set up and the service and coffee are good. Met a couple fellas and their wives and they both have Tracers too!! Swapped stories but I needed to get home and didn’t want to get too stuck in the 38 degrees that was predicted for the day.

From there it’s home on the tank, so no need to stop unless I absolutely need to. Traffic from Nowra through to Gerringong was a nightmare and I should’ve turned off and gone through Kangaroo Valley, never mind. Up Mount Oulsey and as soon as I got to the Sutherland Shire, the traffic was horrendous all the way home. I was melting and Dudley was getting hot sitting idle in the traffic.
Eventually we made it home, hot, a sore bum and tired in general. Thankfully My Sweety had the air con on….he IS the man!!!!
All up 1418km for the weekend.
Here’s the maps. the long way round to get to somewhere π