Can you believe we have been coming to this nirvana in Australia for 10 years now…..I have to almost pinch myself 🙂
Well this year I almost didn’t make it. Work got in the way of my scheduled annual leave on Friday and had me “grounded” back in Melbourne on Thursday night with the next available Sydney flight at 2pm Friday….not happy Jan!! This too ended up being late and I didn’t get home til just after 5pm Friday.
Not exactly the start to my holiday and Pilgrimage that was planned and I advised Karl to head on with out me and I would see him there at some point.
Out the door “toot sweet” on Dudley at 5:50pm to fight the horrendous traffic out of Sydney. Plan, slab it to Albury and turn left Clyde and head east along the Murray River Hway. By the time I got to Goulburn I had to stop, eat, fuel in Dudley (unscheduled) and put on more clothes as the night wind had a nip in it. Chat to Karl and changed the plan.
Next stop South Gundagai 10:16pm as Dudley and I barrelled down the highway fuelled with anger at having missed a ride with my Sweety and being late. More fuel which would see me through and I had to have sleep….the poor old body had been deprived of it for 2 days and it was catching up on me. Messaged Karl and let him know where I was and how I was travelling. “Should arrive approx 12:30am”, I say. The rickety old wooden table opposite the Shell served the purpose and I grabbed a 15 minutes cat-nap.
New plan – Tumut, Batlow, Tumbarumba, Tooma, Tintaldra. Roads works on Gocup Rd heading to Tumut held me up in total for 30 minutes but otherwise was feeling ok. I’d love to do the road to Batlow and Tumby in daylight (it’s been ages since I last did it) but in the dark with the wind whipping around and wildlife galore wasn’t exactly ideal conditions to be scooting through the twists and turns.
I saw everything tonight, foxes and cute baby bunnies to Tumut and the rest of the way was wombats, lots of roos and can you believe sheep…even that one took me by surprise. The concentration it takes to ride through the night is all consuming, trees look like roos and everything, the slightest move in your peripheral has your eyes darting ensuring you have safe passage.
A little disorientated until I saw the sign to Southern Cloud Lookout (one of my favs) but you couldn’t see shite in the dark, so no stopping. However that feeling of euphoria started to wash over me as I then realised that I wasn’t far from where my heart sings. A few more kays, twists and turns and I spotted the familiar sight of the poplar trees – standing to attention as if to greet me “home”. Dudleys lights “lit up the Tintaldra” town sign like a beacon guiding a ship to shore and we rounded the corner an into the driveway of the Clearwater caravan Park – Tintaldra…….ahhhh!!!!
Yedi was the only one awake at 12:56am on Saturday to greet me but honestly I was just glad to make it. I stumbled into our cabin like a baby elephant trying to be quiet and was greeted by a “Hi Sweety, you made it” from Karl before he rolled back over to serenade me with his purring. My head sank into the pillow and reckon I was asleep in less than a second…zzzzzzzz
7 hours solid sleep….YAY!!! the most I’d had in a coupla days. Tintaldra you never disappoint me.

Everyone was surprised but glad to see me and likewise….think I was surprised to see me too!!! 🙂 As I was in no state to be making decisions the group decided we would go to Dederang Pub for lunch today. So after a hearty breaky we geared up and headed out.
I nice easy run through Granya, noticing how low the water is in the river. Karl’s waiting for me at the T-junction with Rick in his historic car and Bubba and Karen.
Into Tallangatta for fuel and a regroup.

Down the Cow Rd and some zig-zagging to avoid the highway and Mr Plod on a beautiful riding day and we arrive at Dederang Pub.
On arrival at the pub you are welcomed by this bronzed statue of a man. He is apparently “The Storyteller” inspired by Banjo Patterson. There is something about him that actually gives you the impression that there is more to this place than meets the eye or more to him….might have to do some research.

There is a really nice relaxing beer garden out the back where we all had lunch and soaked up the sun. But I’m getting tired so Karl and I leave the crew early and decide to head back to Tintaldra. I decided to head into Corryong so Karl waved me off at the Cudgewa turn off and on my merry way I went. Nibbles and some drink for tonight and fuel which I had to back to the Mt Mittamatite Caravan Park for as the BP in town now closes at 1pm…WTHA!!!
Time for an afternoon nap before socialising.

Eve, Karl and I take the dogs for a walk, well I ended up on a tangent talking to some other people who were camped at the closed pub and eventually ended up going for a walk on my own. That’s OK, I still enjoyed the walk and the view from the bridge. The new sculptures commissioned by the council popping up around the various small towns in the area are great. Tintaldra’s Murray Cod spins in the breeze and has glass green eyes when the suns hits them.

And as the sun goes down on a sleepy little town…..

Back in time for a wonderful dinner and catching up with and reminiscing about the 10 years of adventures that we have all shared converging on this town.
The time goes too quick or maybe just maybe we are all getting just a little bit older and before 10pm the dining area under the wonderful weeping willow is silent…..everyone in their own world of slumberness.
Another great breaky and the realisation that we all have to say “see ya later” for another year.

It’s a fabulous morning again….when aren’t they but it’s time to go. Karl & I head out through Tooma but take a turn that has up at Holbrook where we slab it up the Doom Highway. Gundagai for fuel and then Gunning for lunch. The skies aren’t looking fabulous and I’m hoping the weather holds off.
We reach Goulburn and it starts raining and poured on us the entire way home. Quick stop for fuel at Pheasants Nest before the unpleasant fight to get through the Sunday afternoon traffic heading into and in Sydney.
Finally in the dry of the garage and a warm shower.
BIG Thank you to Clearwater Caravan Park hosts Rick & Ailsa who are part of our extended family and looked after us again this year as they have for the past 10.
Tintaldra Pilgrimage for 2019 done and dusted for another year.
I might add…..some of our usual suspects were unable to attend this year which is a shame…the 2019 Crew pic just isn’t the same without you!!!