Talk to the animals……just imagine it!!! Chatting to a chimp in Chimpaneze 🙂
Wouldn’t it be great! I feel like Mrs Dr Dolittle.
A day off together and after years of suggesting this, we finally make it to Taronga Zoo!!! Yippee!!! Karl just says “oh no, what have I done”….LOL
Not even in the gates and the camera on the phone is out and Karl just knows today is going to photographically painful for him…me, I’m like a kid in a candy store.

With map in hand, well Karl’s, I say I don’t want to miss anything…let’s go!!! Catch up with a couple of “old ducks” before entering the bird avery. They have these cool but annoying doors that won’t allow you to open the opposite door until the other one is closed…I get it, don’t want to let anything out.
Some things I remembered from my childhood, like the Elephant Temple but it isn’t used anymore as they have a new enclosure. I did get pics of the elephants they just aren’t good ones.

We meander around the pathways Karl in one direction and me, well off in my little world of wonder and excitement in, another direction at times…oops…. Mrs Dolittle let loose. I’m sooo excited and take photos of nearly everything.
The nocturnal section was pretty cool. Spotted the Australian Easter Bilby and this guy just hanging around…LOL

There’s even this rare species called “The Sweety Bird” which is extremely hard to photograph. Some people say I make it up, others think it is a ghost but “I have proof”!!!

So many amazing things to see. This one caught my eye

What visit to any animal thing is complete without a trip to the petting zoo. Lama, goats, bunnies, guinea pigs and more. My sister and I had guinea pigs as pets when we were young. Ended up with 22 of the buggers…they just kept breeding like rabbits.

Winding our way down and around, we come across the sea life and the seal show (a bit late to enter but watched from the sides). These guys (the seals) are so clever and very cheeky.

These guys are very gracious

Feeding time at the zoo and the cafeteria is exactly that…..a mad house of screaming kids, yelling parents and all manner of human wildlife. We managed to find a quiet place to eat before starting on the second half…YAY!!! Oh, and Karl says there is an Ibis exhibition everywhere…LOl
A 30 minute wait to see the Tigers was a little too much for Karl, so I flew solo to Sumartra to see them..well one that you could get a pic of.

When I emerged The Sweety Bird was just chillin’ out

Let’s see some more……..follow me he says, “yes Sweety” as I detour to look at something else…LOL
More bird averies and these little feathered friends were very pretty.

It was time to monkey around…… There was one little baby monkey clinging to it’s mum, the rest were just hanging about, lazing in the sun or sitting and observing the strange creatures observing them.

Then it was off to see something for dad. back in the day, dad used to service the aircon unit in the enclosure of the Komoto Dragon…it’s name was Lenny (we named him Lenny the Lizard). Anyhoos, this dragon chased dad up the ladder one day and the only thing that saved him was the keeper enticing Lenny down with a chicken….close call for dad. Remnants on the old enclosure are still there but Lenny has a new one now.

It’s getting on but we have to see the Meerkats. Funny little dudes and dudettes they are. Basking in the sun, no shame about them and very busy fossicking in the sand for no doubt some maggots or insects….yuk.

Well, we saw everything that was able to be seen. Some of the animals are not available at the moment due to new homes being constructed for them and some, well, just didn’t want to come out and play.
After getting an ice-cream to end our Zoological experience we headed home.

Thanks for having us, it was a fabulous day out and beautiful weather for it. I have a feeling I’ll be back some day but it might take another 10 years.