A few days off work and what should one do, well naturally go on a ride to get some sanity back. FR#58 Cape Jervis is the perfect destination to clear some space in my bumble brain.
Starting just like any other day, up at the same time but in exciting gear, riding gear…woo hoo. Hugs with Karl before I head out the door for 6 days travelling around the countryside doing what I enjoy.
Stopped in Kelso for a hot chocky and to put my heated suit on, has turned out to be a bit cooler than I thought and a very yukky looking sky is waiting for me.

No lap of the mountain today just out the back way and onto the Mid Western Hway. How windy is it…extremely!!! Through Blayney and get stuck behind a couple of trucks, stuck behind them for ages as it’s too windy to chance the overtake with the trailers swaying like a damn hula skirt. Eventually past and stop into Cowra for lunch.
Was in Cowra in August for the WRWR and made a note to try the Coffee House when I was next in the area. Fuel first and then a toasty for lunch and got to have pats with this beautifully well behaved doggy..even got a kiss…YES! I needed to get something in town but alas there was no parking and get it later. Have I mentioned how windy it is, the road white side posts are bending at mothers natures ferocity. Dudley and I are hanging on with white knuckles while riding at an angle.

It’s so dry out here, it’s depressing seeing empty dams. A farmer had moved his stock out on to the highway to feed on the verges, so slow going but he did give me a wave for not zooming through his herd.
There are a few greens field but most are brown or have the start of a wheat crop sprouting in them. I was so nervous about stopping for this pic as the windy was almost blowing us over.

Fuel consumption wasn’t great due to the wind so I did a splash and dash at Beckom. Back out and headed straight for Grong Grong….this wind is testing my fitness or should I say lack of it. The trip into Narrandera scarped for this afternoon and I just want to get off and out of this hideous wind.
Grong Grong Motor Inn, if you are looking for a very reasonably priced room for a night then this is the place for you. The room is basic, has everything you need and very clean….I even have brand new linen on the bed…noice! Hoping for a good nights sleep ready for a decent day which I have a feeling is going to include a bucket full of Mother Natures obstacles.