Today was all business, that is after a sleep in, a leisurely ride into Narrandera to kill some time before getting a start docket.
Well who thought that Narrandera had painted water towers sitting on top of the town…..amazing!

Off to find the café of the locals to get coffee. Chatted with the ladies at Robinsons Department Store and got the best place to plonk for a bit. Parked Dudley up opposite the adventure park and took a little walk of town. Located in the Memorial Gardens you’ll find the Royal Doulton Memorial Fountain. There are only two of this type of fountain in the world, the other one is in Pakistan.

With my trusty start docket in hand Dudley & I get down to the business end of the day of cranking out kilometres. By the plan I was going to be 50km short so did a bit of a double back to Grong Grong before heading west “go west” oh no now that song is going to be stuck in my head…..LOL 🙂
I can’t deny it is another windy day and as it turns out was a battle of forces to stay vertical and this played havoc on the ole fuel consumption. Dudley is never this thirsty which required some on the fly re-calculating to ensure we were NOT going to run out of fuel. Filled in South Hay which if the windy didn’t die down would have us safely in Buronga for the next stop.
Well the wind didn’t die down, it only got worse. 40kph winds from Hay across the plain meant no stopping in at Hells Gate to see cousin Shiela & Reg – there was no way I was chancing the tip over that was bound to happen if I put my feet down. The BOM had said there was a dust storm settling in and “oh boy” they actually got it right. You could watch the mood of the day change and from Balranald it was game on with Mother Nature.
I had to pull off the road at a rest area just to give the hand a break, it was really hard work and not something I had anticipated. You could see the dust billowing across the skyline making everything look murky. The pic really doesn’t depict how thick and red the storm was.

Buronga IGA Express for fuel couldn’t come soon enough, I need to get off and have a bit of a break. People were looking at me strange at the time I really didn’t have any idea why and just got about my business. I was thinking should I pull the pin??? I was getting tired, well the left wrist was starting to get stiff, Dudley looked like nobody loved him and well me, I’m just getting old but it’s only another 2hrs ~166km, let’s just see how we go.
I’ve never ridden in a dust storm before and it truly is a mess with your head thing. The visibility was atrocious, was down to 70kph at some points as you couldn’t see where the road edges were or whether you were on your side of the road. The red dust would just coat the road and move in waves across it giving your the optical illusion of the road actually moving beneath you. The concentration was intense and will the stay upright against the forces was physically exhausting.
Yamba Quarantine station and the inspectors wanted to go through Dudley – all good and of course had to get “that” pic and right on Sunset.

Not far down the road you are welcomed by South Australia to their lovely state and as much as the wind and dust had been blowing for the best part of the last 4hrs, it just stopped after the sign. Just like someone flicked the damn switch off.

Dudley & I were very happy to make it to Berri (our stop for the night). Check in for the Motel is at the Big River Tavern (just round the corner) and they have a “dress code’ sign right at the door. It was only then that I took a look at myself and thought “oh dear, I don’t comply” but the lady behind the desk said “don’t worry love, I know where you have come from so just come on in”, Thank you!!! Checked in and headed into the tavern for a big feed after a hard day. Then off to get fuel ready for the morning and find my room and collapse for the night.

As much dust that was on Dudley’s screen (both sides) was on my glasses, it’s a wonder I could see at all.