Today I get to have lunch with a bunch of my crazy friends who “get” why I/we do this. Cape Jervis Tavern is the destination another new location for me.
The start of a new dry day and I was on the road earlier than the plan…just cos I woke up and there’s no use just hanging around. It’s so quiet and still, a little cool but compared to the last couple of days, pleasant.

I haven’t travelled this road before B55 – Karoonda Hway and the last time I travelled in SA I hit a roo heading to Morgan so was very alert this morning. Didn’t have need for concern though as the only wildlife I saw was a cute little bunny…awww, not even another vehicle until I reached Karoonda.
Painted Silo’s & Water Towers are popping up all over the place and it’s hard to miss the beautiful art on the silo’s in Karoonda.

Into Murray Bridge for fuel and Hahndorf for coffee to warm up a bit. Was still bl@@dy windy and had a little bite to it. The heated suit has well and truly paid for itself over and over.

From Hahndorf it’s a lovely run south bound, the sky opens up with blue and the fields are green and luscious. Echunga, Meadows, Willunga HIll, Myaponga, Yankalillia and then the meander down and round the mountain to Delaware. The scenery is beautiful and lush such a contrast to the drought conditions being experienced elsewhere in the country. From Delaware, it’e like sitting on top of the world looking down on the creations that form the Penninsula. At the top of the mountain before you transend into Cape Jervis, I pulled over to get this pic.

I hadn’t seen another FarRider for the entire trip so far but that changed just as I pulled out and was overtaken by a my fellow crazies on a mission 🙂 – they were obviously hungry.
Into Cape Jervis, check-in, group photo, lunch and FarRide #58 is done and dusted. Quite a few new riders were also welcomed. If you are ever down that way drop in and say hi to Phil (tavern owner) and get a meal or grab a coffee, these little towns need the support. After our bellies were full we all dissipated to wherever we were bound for the rest of the day. I took the opportunity (being the last to leave) to check out the lookout at the end of the peninsula and see a distant Kangaroo Island.

For Dudley & I, it was a nice leisurely meander along the coastline through Victor Harbour, Goolwa are such pretty coastal towns

Then it was up to Strathalbyn for fuel before heading south again to prop in Milang for the night.

Milang is a fishing village on Lake Alexandrina which like lots of little towns has lots of history. The local community new letter was a wonderful read over dinner. Your options for dinner are limited to the take away shop or the Milang Pier Hotel were the staff are super friendly and take the opportunity to make sure you are welcomed.

Accommodation is also limited to the Motel or the Caravan Park. I stopped at the Motel and it’s tidy, the staff are welcoming and do welcome you and make sure you are comfortable. However, while I’m not paying big bucks for the room you do expect it to be totally cleared from the prior occupant. Had an early night to be nice an fresh for the next adventure tomorrow.