After having to relocate the destination for the first FarRide for 2020 due to the devastating fires that have swept through the south east coast of NSW & VIC, I decided to make a little treasure hunt out of the ride.
Formulating a plan and checking on trusty old Google had that light bulb shine bright behind my eyes for this one while adding to an ever going collection of wonderful photos of splendid art. Friday mornings when you are waiting for the clock to tick over seem to take forever but eventually I have my start docket and point Dudley in the direction of our first dot.
Who knew there were hidden treasures that are dots on the map not that far from home. Into Glenbrook for our 1st Dot – Glenbrook Water Tower (strangely enough it’s actually located at Lapstone).

The weather of late has changed its mind more times in a day than your average woman and I was hoping today the weather gods who not cry on my parade and bath me in sunshine…..the black cloud cover that came and went just taunted me.
Off we go to the 2nd Dot – The Water Tank at Mount Riverview. Kinda had to double back on myself to get there but it was a nice ride through an area not often visited. This art is looking a little tired and could do with a little touch up here and there.

With traffic and stopping, I’ll still making good time….slightly ahead of schedule (which is a change for me). Further up the hill, I knew the next dot was going to be difficult. Goggle says it’s located near the highway up the bank but actually getting to the darn thing is impossible. I reeked havoc on other motorists here trying to find the bloody thing. Into the pot place, nope, up the side streets, nope, u-turn after u-turn and I’m sure the locals thought I was crazy. As it turns out unless you have a key to a special padlocked gate where the water tank is you cannot get this photo. The 3rd Dot – Lyrebird Water Tank Wentworth Falls is non-existent…….*sigh*.
No time to dilly dally, wasted too much time trying to get #3 and head up to Katoomba for the 4th Dot – Katoomba Water Tower. Someone has actually graffitied around the corner of the artwork.

From here Dudley gets to stretch his legs for a bit and I get some airflow to get rid of the humidity which is starting to build up. The 4th Dot is located in Portland and I’ve not actually been to this town before. You see the signs but really, unless you have a reason it’s not likely that you would venture out there. The road however is a nice detour, no traffic and you know you are in the country. Into town and it’s not hard to find the Portland Silo (again a locked gate permits you from getting the front version of this artwork). However I was not disappointed with the view my eyes beheld.

These gentlemen hold the collective gems of wisdom and worldliness. Hard workers of the land I’m sure and could spin you a yarn or two no doubt over a few cups of tea or the good old coldy. Respect gentlemen, respect. I can’t actually describe the feeling that overcame me when admiring this structure.

Back out of the highway and through Bathurst and into Blayney Caltex for fuel. The temperature is starting to climb and again so is the humidity. Off again and through Cowra with a beeline to Grenfell to locate the 5th Dot. Really glad I missed this one last time I was out this way as it gave me an excuse to come back (not that anyone really needs an excuse…right). The Grenfell Silos is located in the back of town (away from the main road) so unless you know it’s there, you’d just ride through. I tell you though, it’s not one you want to miss……again the attention to detail is amazing.

It was really good to take a little refuge in the shade while I made adjustments to Dudley’s Tuturo Oiler. It has a little forked feeder that has an arm locate either side of the sprocket. The goop that held the near side feeder broke loose at xmas but the right side was rock solid, well that was until this ride. Moved it back into place and I’ll have to do some MacGiver repairs at the motel tonight. Anyway time is ticking on and it’s almost normal dinner time but I have stretched that out to align with the next fuel stop at West Wyalong.
My rock solid memory…Bwahahahaha should’ve remembered not to stop at the Shell roadhouse and travel a tiny bit up the road to Mr Caltex Roadhouse….I won’t forget next time. Fuel at Mr Shell, in an out in a reasonable time and parked up in front of the roadhouse for dinner. BIG mistake. Three families all related decided to run up to the counter to then stand there while they couldn’t decide what they wanted and then changed orders, while their ferals ran rampet through the roadhouse……all I wanted was a pre-made roast beef sandwich and a carton of milk (which I already had). Anyway, I did enjoy the sandwich but couldn’t wait to get outta there. A quick call to the Motel to make payment and find out the details for my room (since I would be arriving as a late check-in). During dinner Fatman messaged to let me know my SPOT link was not working…argh. I had just discovered that myself and said I would have a look at it tonight once I arrived at my destination. He graciously let the forum know that I was ok.
It’s coming on dusk and the magical hues that mother nature is producing across the skyline is like a colourful symphony. I love this time but am vigilant of the impending wildlife that also enjoy this time of the day. A couple of roos on the side was all I saw between here and Weethalle (pronounced Wheat-tally) where I pull in for Dot #7 – Weethalle Silo.

Another quick adjustment of the oil feeders and it’s off for the last leg for today. It gets dark real quick from here and Dudley likes to use his spotlights (although the left one is pointed just a little too far out and requires adjustment). Through Rankin Springs and arrive into Goolgowi Motor Inn at 8:40pm and the motel lady is just heading down to open my room and turn on the aircon…timing. Unpacked and set to MacGivering the oil feeder in the dark with the head torch. Job done, time to checkin with the folks and ring Sweety to let him know I’m ok (although he does get the SPOT message every time I stop).
Hot showers after a ride….don’t cha lov’em!!! Yeppah. Donned the jammies and ready to jump into bed and try to fix the SPOT tracking when I hear this almighty rumble and crack which sounded to me like massive trucks rumbling through town. I stuck my head out the door and Skidoo and Hagar are out, so say hello. That hello turned out to them putting Dudley up under the verandah of the room and quite the lengthy chit chat by which time I had to excuse myself as I desperately needed sleep but had to address the SPOT thing first and who knew how long that was going to take.
Back in bed now to figure this technology thing out. Followed the instructions but still getting the error message, gave up needed sleep more than a tracking line but took a screen shot and posted on FB so everyone knew I was OK and where I was.

Grumbled when the alarm went off this morning (Sat 15th Feb), need more sleep but up, packed and off. I LOVE early morning riding and after a nice down pouring last night there was a sweet smell in the air. Watching the sun rise, well really has me lost for words. Over my years of riding I have had the pleasure of experiencing this quite extraordinary moment of the day and this morning was no exception. This was taken between Goolgowi and Hay. Good morning Australia!!

Into Hay for fuel and the sun is properly up now and right in that spot where you end up with spots in your eyes. They have had a deluge of rain out here and water is laying in the verges stagnant and it stinks. The landscape changes over and over and has done so for the entire ride. It’s like your nanna sewing together the pieces of a patchwork quilt….green fields here, a brown patch there, burnt blackened ground, crops and then work them altogether into this beautiful work of art. Amazing!
Along the Sturt Hway there are freshly planted fields of citrus (I think) tress for as far as the eye can see. Just another patch to add to that quilt that nanna is patching together.

Waddi Roadhouse, Leeton and Griffith all come and go as I make good time this morning. Finally I head back into the lovely little town of Goolgowi and head to the Goolgowi Ex-Servies Club, destination for the 1st FarRide of the year. I’d planned to arrive early and glad I did because I grabbed a 10 minute sleep at the park bench before everything started to go into full swing. It’s so good to see so many arrive early and eager to spend a penny or two in this little town that has been affected by the drought.
With check-in done, thanks to Hackle for his assistance, it’s time for lunch and the group photo.
FarRide #60 Goolgowi done and dusted – 1060km.

I have to say that the hospitality and quality of the luncheon provided by the staff – volunteers and employees was above and beyond what we were expecting. A big Thank You to the President of the Club who coordinated such a magnificent spread and made us feel so welcome. We as a group were thrilled that we could contribute to their club and have no doubt our injection will be well welcomed into the coffers.
So if you are heading out that way along the Mid-Western Highway and feel the need to stop somewhere, pick Goolgowi. The Goolgowi Motor Inn run by Lynne and Frank is one of the best I’ve stayed in and they are more than accommodating when it comes to motorcyclists and our odd hours of arrival and departure. The fuel station is independently run and also houses the now general store (as sadly it closed just a couple of weeks ago). A local tells me they make a fine breakfast and the coffee is good….and with a local recommendation, what can I say. You can catch a feed at the Ex-Servies club or the pub which ever strikes your fancy on the day. So stop in and say g’day to this little town…..they could really do with your custom.