Tintaldra 2014 – fully sick!

Since Tuesday I’ve had a headache and come Thursday it was all too much for me. It was doubtful I was going to Tintaldra this year. However in true Kimmie fashion, I mustered the internal fortitude and got up and Karl and I headed off on our merry way. We had Bambi meeting us at Pheasants Nest (change of plans Cooma) and Andy also meeting us there.

Non eventful run down the Spume Hway to Goulburn before turning off and heading to Bungendore. Not feeling 40% even, I headed to the IGA for potato chips (to keep my salt levels up) and Anticol to help clear my mose and head (as you can see they are still blocked). Karl being the Sweety had a hot chocolate waiting for me at the GunneDoo Bakery.

Andy’s waiting for us as planned at the BP and we head down to grab some lunch at the Turkish Kebab Shop.

Cooma for lunch

Cooma for lunch

At 1:00pm  Bambi advised he was in Queanbeyan so we advised him we’d push onto Adaminaby. Head was pounding and the thought of open sweepers I thought was the medicine I needed (this is my favourite bit of road) so I took off (maybe in hope of out running the pain). I think Andy was surprised I flew past him and Karl keep an eye of things from behind. We left the map I made for Bambi to get to Tintaldra behind the bar in Adaminaby for him.

The road snakes before Elliot Way are still pretty bad and in the wet are horrendous. Down through Elliot Way (there a reasonable amount of new surface..pebbles) but I have lost so much confidence that even the 4WD’s are overtaking us (Karl and Andy just a bit embarrassed following me…sorry guys). Turning onto Tooma Rd we haven’t got far now, go past The Southern Cloud Lookout and onto the home stretch. About 1 kilometre out of Tintaldra the heavens opened up and rain on our parade into the caravan park.

I say a quick hello to everyone except Ken (from ACT) & Bambi before going up for a nana nap and coming back down for a feast created by our wonderful hosts Rick & Ailsa. Just before dinner the two fellas arrive and the feasting and merriment begins.  During the merriment a bunch of flowers appears from nowhere and Sue is in tears. Why? Well, Brian popped the question! Yep he proposed! And Sue said “Yes”.

the happy couple

the happy couple

Unfortunately, I am not very good company and my head is not playing nice, so soon after the event I decide to go to bed early.

Saturday most are already up, had breakfast and ready to go. The group splits and most (including Karl) decide to do a big loop down to Granya, Tallangatta, Mt Beauty, Falls Creek and through the back road which is now sealed through to Mitta Mitta.

ready for the big loop

ready for the big loop

The small group Crowey, Bambi, Ken, Bec & I aren’t up for a massive day so decide to just do Granya then head down to Mitta Mitta for lunch.


Crowey, deciding the days route

I take it pretty easy as still under the weather but feeling a tad better than the previous 5 days (smaller headache but nose is blocked). The Omeo Rd to Mitta Mitta is a pleasant road of open sweepers and nice scenery which could easily be done at a much faster rate but not today.

happy Bec

happy Bec

Here’s Bec, she has a huge smile under her helmet right now!

Through Eskdale and there’s this stand out the front of a house which I’m going to stop at on the way back. The Omeo Rd or Mitta Mitta Rd is good, there sweepers and a few tighter turns but nothing that you’d get excited about if you love twisties. The is a 4WD cop floating near Eskdale but as Bec ad I were both doing under the limit he was disappointed (I was going slow enough I could see the look on his face) . It’s a beautiful day and the Mitta Mitta pub is a great sight. Fully restored and in a peaceful setting that I could easily come back to.

we made it!

we made it!

We walk down to the river, order lunch, finish up and think about leaving when we see the main group stop out front.

could easily camp here.

could easily camp here.

What a nice surprise, my Sweety walks in! So we delay our departure and wait for them to finish their lunch.

inside Mitta Mitta Pub

inside Mitta Mitta Pub

Inside the pub. Nice hey!

very cool!

very cool!

A not so quick stop in Eskdale for the Pumpkin man shot and the owner wonders out.

Eskdale Pumpkin Man

Eskdale Pumpkin Man

The owner insisted that I give lifting this 100kg pumpkin a go. How could I say no! It was extremely difficult considering I’m not feeling the best, but I did it!

strong woman...LOL!!

strong woman…LOL!!

There are some fallen rocks on the road heading back and Mr Plod is doing a community service and moving them off the road at various parts of the roads (as we all seemed to see him at different sections). Well done Mr Plod.

Andy, Ken, Bec & I go back into Corryong hoping to get a decent coffee and a chemist for me but argh!!! Everything is closed, I can’t believe it even the BP. Disappointed we turned around and went back to the Caltex fuel and settled for an ice-cream (no panadol either L ). Back in Tintaldra and it’s back to bed for me before dinner.

As has become traditional, before dinner we do the group photo – Meet the Tintaldra 2014 Crew.

Tintaldra 2014 crew

Tintaldra 2014 crew

I can’t breathe, my head hurts, my face hurts, so after dinner I sneak away (nurofen is your friend) and go to bed early again. I crawl into bed, read for a little bit and Karl comes back to the cabin and I’m asleep.

Sunday morning up early, pack and go down for breaky, feeling absolutely crappy.  It’s a bitter sweet morning. I love this place and I only get to see some of the people once a year but to be honest, I couldn’t wait to get home cos I felt so terrible. We say our hoo-roos and get going. We decide to back through Tooma & Elliot Way, where I see a small roo hop to the side of the road not that we were going fast but it’s enough to get the senses on hi alert for this section of road. Being in lead, I’d been seeing fresh horse poo on the side of the road for a bit now. Over a small rise and on the left is a Brumby feeding on the dewy grass. Hit the anchors cos where there is one there are usually more but they must’ve been back in the bush..phew. they are a magnificent sight though.

In Adaminaby we decide to push through to Cooma for a break – can’t wait. I’m exhausted already and my nose keeps getting so blocked that my eyes are welling up. Fuel and back to the Turkish shop for a break and not the best coffee. We go to leave but oh no, I’m not to stable on the legs so we have to wait a bit longer..sorry guys.  Back on the road finally and Karl takes us a back way to miss skirting Hume and it takes us into the north end of Queanbeyan…nice find Sweety! The road is good too….something to remember for next time.

Bungendore for lunch and a break thankfully as I’m not feeling fabulous still.  We say our good byes to Bambi as he will be leaving us at Tarago to go through Nerriga but Karl, Andy & I are heading up the Spume to Pheasants Nest. The day is getting away from us and I am glad to get to Pheasants Nest for fuel and another break. We say our good byes to Andy here and get going on the last leg. Finally in the drive, off Angel and unpacked, I collapse on the couch – feeling less than, I can’t even tell you.

I look forward to this trip every year and this year was no different but you don’t always have control of the elements that feel like they wretch the life out of you. So this trip wasn’t the most enjoyable for me but I did enjoy seeing everyone again even though I wasn’t terribly sociable.

Anyway, here are a few more of the pics I took over the weekend.

Tintaldra 2014 pic collage.1

So sorry if you find this report less than interesting or exciting but a blog is not always sunshine and lollipops. It’s about life and sometimes it’s not all merry.