Category: Motorcycling

FRE S#67 – Bermagui

Different plan of attack for this one….up and back in the day. Stayed at Mum & Dads on my camp mattress with my sleeping bag but an upset tummy was root of a disturbed nights sleep. After fighting to gain more sleep was up and out at stoopid dark o’clock and off to the Metro …

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FRE 65 – Tooleybuc

So much for the ride calendar this year but thanks to relaxing of some restrictions we were able to still proceed with a slightly modified FRE #65 to Tooleybuc. Simple plan, leave the local Shell servo @ 12:02pm Fri 6th Nov, head out through Lithgow via Bells Line of Road, onto Bathurst (no stopping at …

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Hip Hip Hooray!!

After a fabulous feed at the Goolgowi Ex-Servies Club, it’s time to get on the road again and pump out another 400 kays. What for I hear you say…….well there is a birthday party that I need to be at in Tintaldra – “naturally”. The humidity is oppressive and I am struggling with not enough …

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Join the Dots

After having to relocate the destination for the first FarRide for 2020 due to the devastating fires that have swept through the south east coast of NSW & VIC, I decided to make a little treasure hunt out of the ride. Formulating a plan and checking on trusty old Google had that light bulb shine …

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FRE #58 – CJA – Day 5

With my ride plan worked out on a napkin the night before and an excellent nights sleep under my belt, a cuppa tea and muesli bar for a starter and all Dudley all headed up we headed on into a beautiful start to the morning. Up the Yanga Way toward Balranald and the sun is …

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FRE #58 – CJA – Day 4

Being mindful of fuel consumption as the winds are still hanging around but not as ferocious as they were I reworked my plan last night. No hurry today just a leisurely dawdle to Tooleybuc. Hardly anyone on the roads makes for a peaceful ride this morning and we roll into Wellington to catch the ferry …

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FRE #58 – CJA – Day 3

Today I get to have lunch with a bunch of my crazy friends who “get” why I/we do this. Cape Jervis Tavern is the destination another new location for me. The start of a new dry day and I was on the road earlier than the plan…just cos I woke up and there’s no use …

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FRE #58 – CJA – Day 2

Today was all business, that is after a sleep in, a leisurely ride into Narrandera to kill some time before getting a start docket. Well who thought that Narrandera had painted water towers sitting on top of the town…..amazing! Off to find the café of the locals to get coffee. Chatted with the ladies at …

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Adventure to Cape Jervis – Day 1

A few days off work and what should one do, well naturally go on a ride to get some sanity back. FR#58 Cape Jervis is the perfect destination to clear some space in my bumble brain. Starting just like any other day, up at the same time but in exciting gear, riding gear…woo hoo. Hugs …

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WRWR 2019 – Women Riders World Relay

WRWR day has arrived and I’m off to Wagga Wagga to meet up for the next leg. It’s of course raining when I leave home and continues on and off all the way to Binalong. Quick stop for fuel at Pheasants Nest and then into Yass for coffee and a snack. Stopped at the usual …

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