Karuah River Rally 2014

Karuah River Rally – courteous of the BMW Touring Club of NSW was as good as any off road adventure to get my feet wet (well dirty) on (besides Karl recommended it would be an easier one for me to start with).

So with all the camping gear sorted and both bikes packed up we head off on our way to Wisemans Ferry (which turned out to be the easiest part of the whole ride) which will then lead into the first section of my new “Dirt Adventuring”.

Ferry ride at Wisemans

Ferry ride at Wisemans

Karl let some air out of the tyres and off we went to St Albans down the first section of dirt. Waved to some locals along the way. Let’s be honest here, I’m never going to be the quickest hare in the field more like the tortoise but I’ll get there….needless to say I’m slow on the dirt. Karl keeps checking his mirrors to make sure I’m still there – thanks Sweety!

Daisy, saw her friend Daisy

Daisy, saw her friend Daisy

I think I’m doing rather well, a bit wobbly here and there but ok there is a lot to get used to. Corrugations in the road, the actual surfaces changes from one metre to the next, reading the road (so different to riding on the bitumen) and relaxing your body to absorb the conditions and not “shake you like a milkshake” (which is what it was like for me….the tiny tuck shop arms I have where wobbling like crazy..LOL).

We’re about halfway between St Albans and Bucketty and I’m so focused on what’s in front of me – the road conditions (other than Karl) that I didn’t even notice where the hell this car came from. It was like magic..”poof” and it appeared! Anyway, no idea how long it had been behind me but I noticed it as we approached a right hand bend (nothing tight) by this time it was sitting so close up my clacker that I couldn’t see its headlights….”Yikes”. To say it spooked me is probably under understatement so I did what I would normal do on the road and on exiting the bend thought I’d more over for them (they were obviously in a huge hurry to get somewhere) and “WHOOPS” big mistake!

I hadn’t read the road right and off the edge I went into a soft dirt/sand verge heading straight for some fallen down trees. The thing I remember the most is saying “flock this is gonna hurt!”, then everything happened so quick. The rear went, the front went and out of fear of hitting the trees, I think I grabbed the bars and pointed Daisy in the direction of the road at the same time grabbing a fist full of throttle and launching her and me back onto the surface and facing the car which had decided to go around me and kept on going (eat my dust stupid bike rider). I’m not really sure what happened then but I ended up high siding and Daisy spat me down like a pancake with my left leg/foot stuck underneath her.

Here’s Daisy having a little lay down (she was obviously terrible tired).

Oops, sorry Daisy!

Oops, sorry Daisy!

Anyway, it’s amazing how adrenalin kicks in when there is fuel leaking from the overflow and the engine is still running (one spark and it could end horribly different) cos I managed to lift her enough while on the ground to wretch me left leg/foot out from under her. By the time Karl turned around (safely after the car took off), I was up, had the engine off and was upset that I’d hurt Daisy. With nothing broken on either of us we decided to head to Wollombi to access things better and have lunch.

In Wollombi my hero, Karl MacGyver goes to work straightening the bars, inflating the tyres and doing a check of things to make sure there is nothing seriously wrong with Daisy. Me, ouch ouch, hobble hobble, shacky, a headache and a few things learned decide that nothing is going to stop us having a great weekend camping and I chose to continue on.

Karl had planned the entire trip to be on dirt but after my little mishap decided it was best to stick to the black stuff until we get to Dungog.

North of Wollombi (Wollombi Rd) they are doing road works and guess what “yep” more dirt.


Wollombi Rd – Karl in front

Karl stops and says “I’m sorry Sweety, I didn’t plan this, the GPS says this way”, me “that’s OK, my GPS says the same thing” so it’s a very slow pace from me all the way to Maitland. Through Patterson and turn off towards Dungog, where we stop for food, water, alcohol and a chemist for medical supplies to treat my minor injuries (once I get my boot and gear off).

The final section of dirt starts about 15kays north of Dungog, down Middle Rd which will then lead us into the Frying Pan Creek Camping Area (which is nestled deep within the Chichester State Forest).


Start to Chichester State Forest

Needless to say, I’m just a tad nervous and a little savvier (after the mornings efforts) about tackling this section. However, on dirt nothing is the same. I keep talking to myself “chicken wings, relax Kimmie, rear brake only, the whole road is yours, don’t worry about anything/one behind you and you’ll make it. Sure enough, I don’t know how I did it – there were some pretty hairy down hills and bends (which at the time I was thinking “how am I going to get out of here”) but I MADE IT!!!


YAY..I made it!!

We surveyed the camp site and picked what we thought was going to be a great spot for us and proceeded to set up camp. After which I went for a swim in the creek to reduce the swelling on my left knee and ankle before applying my medical supplies.

Chef Karl, hard at work in the kitchen cooking us up a feed for champions!!! You da best Sweety xxx


Karl cooking dinner….yum!

We’d met our neighbours for the weekend. A nice bunch of fellas, we all get comfy in our camp chairs sittin’ round the campfire chewin’ the fat (so to speak…lol) and the guys advised me that I might hear some strange noises in the night ???. Time to hit the sleeping bag. Didn’t take me long to nod off but I was awake earlier than I had wanted due to the dolsed tones of the neighbours bodily sounds…..ARGH!!! followed by the ear piercing screeching of the white cockatoos. Ahh, the serenity!!

Oh, how good is a lazy Saturday – no phone, no technology, just nature in all its glory – and it’s time to hobble about and take some pics. Camp Special K & the noisy neighbours..lol. It’s so peaceful here (definitely a place to come back to).

Peaceful Camp Special K

Peaceful Camp Special K

Team Special K


Our hosts and the organisers of this weekend’s event – The Karuah River Rally 2014


You gotta love the serenity this place gives you. Just hobbling down to a crossing in the creek was soothing with the little wrens flitting here and there and the bush quail? I really have no idea what they were but they scratched around the forest floor looking for tid bits.


Up on the road in, there was this “warning” sign LOL!!   Apparently being a motorcyclist IS a cause for people to be wary of…..hahaha….we must be really scary!!


The “Warning” sign….lol

The view from the top of the road. If you continue up past Frying Pan Creek Area there is another couple of camping grounds with all feed off the loop road.


Junction at the top of the camp ground.

Since I have a crappy memory thought I better take a pic of the sign as a reminder.


We are here….Chichester State Forest

Since I was in no fit shape to go for a ride, Karl took the opportunity to head into town for a couple of extra supplies and enjoy the ride on his own.


Karl on his way to town….

Being the good housewife that I am…lol, I spent the time hard at work – reading my book under our shade awning, having a cuppa tea and going for a swim in the creek with the fellas. Karl came and joined me for a swim when he got back (lucky cos Elliot the eel was swimming in this spot of the creek). It was so nice to just kick back and relax with Karl, not worry about a thing and just enjoy each other’s company.

As the afternoon came around those scary motorcyclists started arriving on all shapes, sizes and configurations of bikes.  One girl arrived on this – a postie of all things – fully loaded and she wasn’t exactly a feather weight (I kinda felt for the postie!).


the poor postie…

Most of the bikes were as you’d expect BMW’s but to my surprise the next favoured was the humble DR – yep a Daisy variety!! If I had any doubts about whether I’d chosen the right bike or not, they were now at rest.


One poor bloke got a puncture just as he pulled into the camp ground. Out with the tools and he had the rear wheel off in no time and some mates were ready at hand to help him out with the repairs and a cold beer. As you can see there are already quite a few tents set up.


with a little bit of help from your friends.

Came across this version of a “family” sticker……haven’t seen this one before, can’t imagine why..LOL!!


the family……lol

Kicking back with a cider as we watched everyone getting set up.


the selfie….while relaxing…he he he

An afternoon stroll down to the opposite end on the creek and we found a nice little spot to sit and dapple our feet in the cool water.


peaceful, hey

On the way back we came across these fellas (seasoned adventurers), swapping stories over a cold beer…..not exactly the adventure stories I would’ve expected to hear….they were swapping advice on women….LOL!!! that was the funniest thing.


swapping women hints…..lol

As you can see, our peaceful camp site soon filled up and as the night went on got rowdier. Dinner was supplied (at a small cost) by the BMWTC but the laughter and the stories were free.


just a few neighbors…

At some stage some bright spark (and I suppose it’s to be expected since we are on a rally) decided to throw what I can only assume was a can into one of the many fires which exploded. This was followed with a cheer from the revellers. Of course what would the night be without the revving of engines, arguments and associated merriment.

Put another log on the fire…….way to go Karl.


put another log on the fire…la lalalala la la la la

A nice hot cuppa before bed.


tea by the fire.

On my way back from attending a nature call, I was confronted by this bubbly drunk bloke who was lost. After at least figuring out which end of the ground he camped I sent in that direction and me…I went in the other. Some strange characters emerge in the darkness and I don’t mean the Bunyips and Drop Bears either, although I’m sure they were lurking about. There was this one bloke, I didn’t even see him, laying on the ground next to the path and as I got to him he flicked on an amber torch and started serenading me…..in Swahili…LOL !!!

The morning after the night before and brekky was provided. There were many a weary sole wondering around and not to mention sore heads but nothing a bacon and egg roll wouldn’t help fix.


the morning after the night before

Time to pack up, say hoo roo to new friends, tackle the dirt road out and head on home. With Karl keeping a watchful eye on me on the dirt, I slowly but surely made it out incident free…YAY!

Not that we were looking for it but just out of Dungog towards Gresford we came across some gravel.


roads works out of Dungog

It’s pretty dry out there but still the scenery is spectacular.


We come down through Broke – Wollombi – Jerry’s at Kulnura before joining the freeway to home.


I stopped to get lunch for us, while Karl went home to open up the house and settle Ella-Jane. When I was replacing the cargo net to ensure our hamburgers wouldn’t fall out, Daisy decided that it’s just too much for her and she decides to have another little lay down…NOOOO. This time she fell into my body on the right side. Lucky some blokes came over to give me a hand and we were able to right her without hitting the ground. Thanks guys!!

Finally home YAY!!! Have lunch, unpack and Karl goes to move Daisy and discovers she has a flat rear tyre “no wonder she fell over, she wasn’t stable” he says…phew, I was beginning to think it was me.

What a great experience. Daisy and I both have some new character building marks/bruises. We didn’t do a lot of kilometres but had just as good a time. A BIG THANKS to Karl for being my hero and backing me in my decision to continue. I know I can conquer almost anything with you by my side.

FarRide East 28 – Nambucca 2014

Nambucca Heads = a time to see mates that I only to get to see once a year….and it’s here at this location on this FarRide, that’s enough of a reason to get out for a ride for me.

Apologies in advance there aren’t many pics this time.

Friday plan: Home-Bulga-Tamworth-Barraba-Glen Innes, easy peasy right! Yeah!  How exciting, this is Daisy’s first FarRide and I don’t know who’s more excited..lol. Local servo for fuel and off we go to hit the Putty (she handled it fabulously, BTW). Ahead of schedule so a short stop at Grey Gums Cafe and hence an early arrival at Bulga for an early lunch and that all important “start docket”- 12:01pm 31/12/14 all good!!

waiting at Bulga for 12 to roll around

waiting at Bulga for 12 to roll around

We are having a good run and Daisy is surprisingly comfy. Into Tamworth, it’s hot 38 degrees, I find a tree to park under and it’s time to make a phone call to some friends and check in with Karl. About 10 kays outta Manilla Daisy thought she’d gone home when we came across some cattle on the road (she is a country girl afterall 🙂

one hot Kimmie at 38 degrees

one hot Kimmie at 38 degrees

Fuel in Barraba, it’s about 36 degrees and I come across a couple of larrikins – Tony K & Gateman waiting for me in the shade just up from the servo. Been ages since I’ve seen these two cheeky buggars. After a bit of a girly freshening up, it’s hugs all round. Check Daisy’s oil levels – all good and guess what, she’s started first go all day – YEE HAW!! “On ya bike girlie, lets go ride”, yes Gatey and we are off, destination Glen Innes.

on my way boys...

on my way boys…

Tony K suggests we take the Delungra turn off, so I do a quick calculation and figure I can safely chop the kays to Warialda off. I’ve never headed out this way from Tamworth before and although the countryside is dry, it’s beautiful. I can’t understand why people want to go overseas, when we have such beautiful countryside right here! Anyways, the thorn between two roses…lol riding along “love it”. Into Inverell and Gatey pulls up under the shade of a sycamore tree (well not exactly but it sounds good). He decides to bail, something about his head being too big for his helmet….hmmm I’m sure that’s what he said..ROFL!!! Well, he wasn’t a happy camper so Tony K escorted me to Glen *thumbs up*.

me & Tony K

me & Tony K

me & Gatey

me & Gatey

Was about 7:20pm when we pulled into my digs and although we were going to have dinner together it was going to be too late for Tony to get home at a respectable hour, so we said our goodbyes and I checked in. I was so happy that these guys came out to see me and couldn’t have thanked them enough – you guys ROCK!!! xxxx

My first night ever camping on my own…wow!! I’m so excited!! Pick the BEST spot only to get told I have to move cos a “party” is coming in tonight. Party? Noooo, I need some sleep. Camp Kimmie all set up just as it got dark…haha, now to look for a feed. Daisy is loving this dirt and grass riding, me I’m still getting used to being able to. My two options for dinner – Maccas or KFC, I picked KFC (nothing else was open) then head back for zzzzd’s.

camp Kimmie...lol

camp Kimmie…lol

Just nod off and “the party” roll in just short of midnight  – Wtha! Screaming kids, barking dog and a bloody horse – seriously. 2:00am and I finally drifted off for 2 hours sleep. Up early, pack up (feeling very proud of myself) and ya know what…….paybacks a biatch! How unfortunate that Daisy MUST be warmed up with full choke before I can head off……hehehe. Lucky Karl installed the spotties cos I need’em this morning and they work just “jim dandy”!

the Sweety's magic at work...

the Sweety’s magic at work…

Thanks Sweety xx   It’s bloody cold and dark and the wildlife is out today, wallabies and roos to Armidale. Thankfully they decided Daisy was too loud for them and they went in the correct direction (away from me!).

Sunrise as I come into Armidale where I stop to change to winter gloves…brrrr and what a magnificent sight.

never get tired of seeing the dawn of a new day.

never get tired of seeing the dawn of a new day.

Check the plan and WHAT!!!!! I’m out about an hour – crap, better get a wriggle on. I’ve done this run into Bendemeer many times so catch up some time. Head east and bam “blinded by the light”! I love this section of road from Bendy to Walcha but not this morning cos I can’t see it. The sun is right in my eyes blinding me so the pace along here is slower than normal.

Walcha for fuel and I run into (not literally) Tigerbill, Wombattle & friends and Rocketman. Time for a speedy cuppa and chat to the gents, tape the top of the visor to block the sun and off again. Unfortunately, apart from two herds of cattle at separate sections of the Oxley (which didn’t hold me up too much) the 4 wheeled traffic was terrible…grrr! Anybody’d thought it was Sunday not SATDEE people. Lucky Daisy was up to the challenge of opening that envelope and performing small miracles.

Turn off to Port and head north FINALLY!! Tell you, that last stretch into Nambucca felt like it took for-ev-er……. At last the turn off – YAY, not far now and a clear, quick run down Wellington Drive into my Karl welcoming party “you’re cutting if fine Sweety” he says….no kidding Dick Tracey and I’m off the bike still with all my gear on to get to check in – FRE #28  DONE. PHEW made it! Look at the watch and have 20 minutes to spare….LOL!!

on arrival at Nambucca

on arrival at Nambucca

Catch up with some before they head off to finish their rides and then time to settle in for the afternoon of socialising & lunch. Throw in a swim a nana nap before some more well-earned socialising with great friends from places Far and Wide and you have the perfect day! Oh, plus a romantic walk along the wall. The day turns to night oh so quick and the lack of sleep has caught up with me. Check with me buddy Diesel about the arrangements for brekky before Karl and I hit the pillow.

Dinner with friends

Dinner with friends


romantic walk with Karl

Sunday morning and we are awaken by the rumble of an engine…..what a surprise LOL. The Urunga Brekky Crew assemble in the carpark and head out in formation for a relaxing brekky by the river. Thanks Diesel for organising!! We say our hoo-roos and with our friend Andy in tow start on the path home.

nice way to start the day

nice way to start the day

Diesels Urunga brekky crew

Diesels Urunga brekky crew

However, as this is my ride, naturally we have to make some “detours” – after all I am at “war” for Milday Her Majesty and have vowed to battle thru thy realm of FarLand for the White. First stop Port Macquarie, pic obtained and what a shame we have to do the Oxley again….LOL! No traffic this time and Daisy enjoys the curvaceous climb through the mottled shadows to Walcha. Fuel, acquire another pic (it’s bloody hot), lunch and it’s time to head down Thunderbolts to Gloucester.

I haven’t mentioned previously however I have developed (over the 3 days) an extremely sore hand from these gloves I have been wearing and by the time we get to the lookout I have to take an unscheduled stop. Throttle rocker on, would’ve liked a longer break but the day is slipping away. Into Gloucester and I couldn’t find the “spot”….grrr. Karl went off in the direction I thought it was while Andy and I waited in the shade at the servo. “Spot” located, blazing sunshine and heat (kinda appropriate for this token) and it’s time to flock off.

We get to the end of Buckets Way and hit the slab for home. The twin servo’s a good sight for a rest and an ice cream to recharge the battery for the final leg. We say “see ya Wednesday” to Andy (even though we are heading in the same direction but won’t be stopping again) and finally at 8:00pm we arrive home – hot and tired. FRE #28 done & dusted!


Oxley Squirt

Overnighter to Long Flat, sensational idea! Alas, it is only the 3 of us though – Karl, Paul & me. This’ll be Daisy’s first real road (teething) trip. We’ve, well Karl has done a bit to her, I’ve done the pretty stuff and think I’ve figured out the packing for a trip (in particular a camping trip) sorted.

Saturday 11th Jan 14

8:30am Saturday and we are off….woo hoo!  Plan – Fuel at Berowra (where I can’t get off the bike cos I can’t get off without her falling over – thanks Kath for holding her for me), up the Old Pac to Australian Reptile Park and then back on the Freeway to Bucketts Way. How much fun is the Old Pac on Daisy? – Awesome amounts of fun!! But the fun doesn’t last long, it’s uncomfortable L We hit the freeway and I’m squirming around like a worm.  Anyway’s finally turn onto Bucketts Way and I get off ready to go home. Karl ends up taking the swag after I’ve spat the dummy and we turn the bag around to give me back the seat space needed to be comfortable *thumbs up*.

Mount up and Daisy, she no start – crap. Karl’s already gone, Paul starts to go and realises I’ve got trouble. Anyway, there is no way she’s going to start. Finally after about 15 minutes she fires and we are off (this turns out to be an ongoing issue). I’m still fuming and it’s not getting better, the seat is now uncomfortable. Can’t fix it on the road will have to wait til Gloucester.

The usual food haunts in Gloucester are busy, so we head up to the Kik’n’bac Cafe for lunch. Flies, who ordered flies with our lunch, they are everywhere. Lunch was nothing special for the bucks we paid so we won’t be going back there.

They should have a side of "flies" on the menu...Yikes!

They should have a side of “flies” on the menu…Yikes!

Fuel at the shell and unfortunately I had to turn Daisy off – bugger. Finally get her started and Karl says “you go putting up the street, we’ll catch”, ok then. With the airhawk now fixed, the luggage sorted I finally start to enjoy riding Daisy….YAY!! What a hoot and I’m into it – no sign of the fellas though *shrugs*. Into the lookout I get a couple of pics before they arrive.


Carson/Cameron's Lookout. I never get the name right.

Carson/Cameron’s Lookout. I never get the name right.

Paul "The Leprechaun"

Paul “The Leprechaun”

Karl checking out the view.

Karl checking out the view.

I’m accused of hooning! Naturally I must’ve been right, cos they couldn’t catch me and after all I’m not on a fast bike now – it’s cruising in a bouncy kinda fashion…LOL

Assessing the clouds we decide we are possibly gonna get wet heading into Walcha. Paul and I swap bikes about 40 kays outta Walcha and not long afterwards it starts to rain…oh well, it’s not bad but we’re tough and don’t worry about wets (not required really).


A little wet Daisy in Walcha servo

A little wet Daisy in Walcha servo

The skies clear in the direction we want to head and I’m happy (thank god for that I reckon the guys are saying) and off we go to “smash the Oxley”, well to have a bit of fun anyway. Other than the straights, I surprised myself by keeping up with them. Daisy lurves the curves and she dips in here and flicks into there with a spring in her stride – it’s awesome and sooo much fun.

Heading down into Gingers Creek.

Heading down into Gingers Creek.

Cuppa tea at Gingers and a WOO HOO from me…happy Kimmie!!

Almost forgot we had to stop at Apsley Falls so Paul get a pic – Daisy’s first time too.

Daisy's first visit

Daisy’s first visit

One of the locals on his way down to the look out

Giant wildlife....would eat ya leg off if you let it! LOL

Giant wildlife….would eat ya leg off if you let it! LOL

Check out the view

Apsley lookout

Apsley lookout

Panoramic view

Panoramic view

Back on track, sorry, time to go, a cold beer is a calling. Now down the exciting part of the Oxley and WOW, it’s so much fun and relatively easy going on Daisy in comparison to Angel.

Pull up at Long Flat, a cold drink, unpack and start to relax.


Drinking hole & bed for the night

Drinking hole & bed for the night

As you can see Karl & Paul have the beers ready and made a new friend…good to see them playing nicely with the yocals!

Great alfresco dining overlooking the river with great company, what more could you ask for really. A walk after dinner is in order so we toddle off down the road yakking away and checking out the camping down by the river wondering how they got in there. I decided to climb the resident tree and felt like a Hobbit for a moment…LOL

Hobbit land? leave it up to you....

Hobbit land? leave it up to you….

Our usual night cap of tea and biscuits, more tea and Pringles, beer, chatting some reading and finally it’s cooled down enough to hit the hay.

Sunday 12th Jan 14

I had a good nights sleep and it was a slow start to the morning. Paul had demanded coffee and toast on his opening of thyne eyes in the morning. So when I had toast cooking and was ignored by him (who was still in bed) bugger him and Karl had gone across to the general store for coffee (which was disappointing this time).

No rain in sight today, the sun is out, the air is crisp, Daisy started first go (she’d had a sleep afterall), the fellas are having their war of words that they have and time to go and climb that snake of a road back to Gingers.

trusty steads.

trusty steads.

It’s a short stop, and the Power Rangers pull in not longer after we arrived so we hit the road. Let’s spoil ourselves in Walcha with a nice cuppa tea and scones! The Oxley never disappoints and the run through the top end twisties is invigorating!

Of course you have to get one of these!

cos ya have to...

cos ya have to…

Another tanty as Daisy wouldn’t start after fuelling up in Walcha and the guys had already left me for tea. 15 minutes later she starts and I have the irates something chronic. Karl goes and starts her first go after I get to the cafe and explain what happens….grrr. Yeah, well I’m disappointed again, no darn scones! WTha is going on here….it’s a conspiracy I tell you!!

On a better note, they have a new sculpture at the Walcha Cafe – the creator is truly talented.

something out of Alien???

something out of Alien???

The heat of the day is stinging already, so next stop is the lookout and then Gloucester for lunch. This time we go to Roadies Cafe (passed by previous taste tests) and there’s fans and aircon…YEAH!! The Daisy issue is really giving me the irates to the point that I just don’t want to turn her off. Finally on the way and it’s a cruisey run down Bucketts. In saying that Thunderbolts still has some good sections and some, well crappy road surface. Maybe one day they’ll complete both Bucketts and Thunderbolts, somehow I don’t think that will happen in my lifetime though.

End of Bucketts and Paul is pulled over and indicates he needs to put oil in the Rex (TRX850). So him & Karl, I thought had a plan (silly me) anyway we end up stopping at the driver reviver at the top of the Freeway home so he can add oil. Thankfully this time I was able to park in the shade. As Karl rode off and Paul started to leave, yep you guessed it, I’m still sitting there trying to get Daisy started. Paul turned around and tried to help but alas until Daisy’s ready to start, there is just no pushing her (at least this time someone else can explain to Karl what is happening or not when she gets hot). Eventually we are off and see Karl stopped down the freeway waiting for us.

Let’s get home!! Final fuel at the twin servos at Tuggerah (not for me I need to see what kays to a tank Daisy will get) but yep she won’t start again. Over it, just over it, totally ridiculous! An uneventful run down the freeway and into the drive..Yay! So glad I was to be home that I stupidly *doh* turned Daisy off “big mistake” cos Karl now had to push her up the drive in the gate…oops – sorry Sweety!!

Look, it may sound that I had a crappy time but if I was totally honest, it was a great weekend, once I sorted the luggage and seating. Ok, a major hick up with Daisy which I have no doubt Karl will sort in time but it was a teething run for Daisy. So now we know the bugs and can set to rectifying them.

For the specky people…

Total kays for the weekend 1086, Special Price $1.42, OA 80kph, MA 88kph

Xmas Holiday Day 7 & 8

Day 7 – Friday 27th Dec 13

The Hobbit, I want to see the Hobbit, please Sweety!! Yes, the sun is shinning, and Warriewood cinema has a session at 10am…beauty! For holiday season the cinema is practically empty, maybe 20 people watching this session – awesome.

The movies long and finished leaving me waiting for the next episode, so yeah I enjoyed it! As for what’s the movie about, you’ll have to go watch it yourself…I’m no spoil sport.

It’s gorgeous outside, Karl & I stop on the way back for get some lunch before heading back to the penthouse for a nice relaxing afternoon (which includes reading, cuppa tea and a nap), Oh Yeah!!

Now everybody said “you have to go to the Arms”, so naturally not having been there before I wanted to go. It’s our last night and Karl says “s’pose I should take you to Newport Arms shouldn’t I”, hell yeah are you nuts or something. Dinner was fancy over priced pub food (on the seafood side). It was ok, but I wouldn’t rave about it. The view is rather special though and here I am modelling my new dress.

Newport Arms

We get back and take Ella-Jane for walk along the beach – she loves it.

Day 8 – 28th December 13

Ho hum, our last morning on the beaches 🙁   Anyway, it’s time to pack, do all the washing and housework before we make the trek home.  It’s been great having the week up here, time to chill out and relax which has been absolutely fabulous. However, like the old saying there is no place like home and by mid afternoon we are home and unpacked.

Thanks Nana & Pete for the holiday!


Xmas Day / Boxing Day

Xmas Day

Another strenuous morning of sleeping in…lol, one could get accustomed to this lifestyle. hmmm.

Karl and I had already received our early xmas/birthday presents from each other so it was lucky that Ella-Jane did a bit of last minute shopping and surprised us with a small pressie each 🙂

Our day was pretty relaxing, reading, taking Ella for walks (which she is sooo enjoying), snoozing and a bit of telly before Karl had to pick up his daughter. Once back she opened her presents and Karl started on our traditional (very loose term) Xmas dinner (we were pretty lucky as Coles is next door and we managed to snag some bargains).

Look we had the basics of a baked dinner covered……stuffed Turkey breast wrapped in bacon (baked in the oven) – tick, chicken (chicken kiev, baked in the oven) – tick and baked potato (curly fries, baked in the oven) – tick, pasta salad and an Indian chickpea salad, Xmas dinner in a nut shell and it was delicious!!

With full tummies, we vegged on the couch and had an early night.

Boxing Day

We met Karl’s father,wife and brother at Bilgola for breakfast and of course Ella joined us (everything is so doggy friendly up on the beaches). It’s also my dads birthday today.

Bilgola Beach

Breakfast done and a surprise phone call from dad to say mum wasn’t well but he’d keep me posted. Mum did ring later in the day to say she was feeling better. More walks for Ella and it starts to sprinkle time to say bye.

Another lazy day, well we are on holidays…no guilt here. Karl drops his daughter back and our friend Leonie arrives for a visit. Chin wagging and nibbles, hmm a good way to spend the late afternoon before dinner, if you ask me. The menu tonight is Thai and we toddle off down the street to have dinner, which we then followed with what has become a nightly occurrence of walking along the beach…noice!

The three of us a having a good old time but we have been watching the sky which is getting increasingly dark and yukky looking. Bam, yep, big drops start hitting us (which just quietly I thought a bird had pooped on me…shhh), holy crap, and here we are running up the sand to reach cover. Too late!! 🙁 weez wet. Refuge round the back of the surf club but it’s not letting up and we have to make a run for it. By the time we get back we are soaked (Leonie says “nice pink undies Kimmie”, hmm lucky I wore a dress with a lining hey….lol). Drying off and not long after another friend Paul arrives – he’s soaked to the bone (he rode, oops).

Kettles boiled again and we chat away. Time flies and our friends have a decent hike to get back to their own homes, so we say good night. I can’t remember what time it was or when we got to sleep, thank goodness we can sleep in though.

Xmas Eve 2013

What’s the best way to start the day…..with a massage of course!! I’d booked myself into the Bua Thai Massage & Day Spa for a bit of pampering.

very exotic....but no Katut..lol

very exotic….but no Katut..lol

Feeling pretty good decided to spoil myself even more and went down to Poise (local boutique) for some retail therapy. What are the chances that I get to meet the store owner and local designer…100 % today!! and a small discount to me – YAY. New dress and scarf purchased, bank balance a little lighter..oh well, I’m on holiday after all.

Arrive back, Karl says “where you been, I went looking for you” – retail therapy I say…oops.

Nice relaxing afternoon and we treat ourselves to dinner at Braza – noice.

Too much food, so a nice relaxing stroll along the beach before settling into Carols by Candlelight for the night.


Lucky we got back when we did, cos it started raining just as we got settled – phew! And pretty much rained for the rest of the night…..lucky we were inside watching the Carols on channel 9. Well I was, Karl was busy with Ella-Jane capturing the zzzzz’ds that were flying around our room….lol



Xmas Holiday Day 2 & 3

Day 2 continued….

It’s hard stuff this relaxing thing, so hard that I needed some retail therapy – Warriewood Centro was the chosen clinic!! Unsuccessful, I returned as Karl suspected I would – empty handed 🙁

Dinner at Cha Rice Noodle and a walk afterwards was the perfect way to make room for more yummies….lol and wind down for the night.


Day 3

Yawn, stretch, smiles, ahhh what a good nights sleep and a beautiful morning, again! Off today to see mum and dad for Xmas and dad’s birthday. A good run up the coast, a couple of sheriff’s with customers along the way, pretty trouble free really.

Mum and Dad are stoked to see us (it hasn’t been the best year for them), so if putting a smile on their faces does the trick in making their day better – then that’s something I am more than happy to give.

A nice lunch and the exchange of gifts. I wish I had the camera ready to go when mum and dad realised what we gave them….the sunshine beaming from their faces was priceless!!! Some more relaxing (this is hard stuff, ya know) and telling of stories before Karl, Ella and I had to head back.

Thanks mum and dad (one day you might get internet so you can read and see what your daughters get up to). I love you!!!

Back in the apartment, oh the decision for dinner – that’s easy tonight, fish and chips.

Now here I am sitting back on the couch, cider positioned on the coffee table while I catch up here (my memory sucks, so in years to come this will be my diary of life as I see it at that point in time).

Signing off for tonight. I’m exhausted, need to catch me up on some of that relaxing stuff…lol

See youse  🙂 

Xmas Holiday

 Holiday, did I just type “holiday”, wow what’s that?

Usually for me, it involves hundreds of kays traveled upon my trusty motorcycle to places far & wide for the sheer pleasure of it. Sometimes staying in some beautiful places (country towns) where ah, the accommodation isn’t exactly 5 star (lucky to be a “star” sometimes…LOL). However, NOT THIS TIME!!! no sir re, we are living the high life in a penthouse apartment opposite the beach – complete with all the creature comforts Karl, Ella & I could ask for (after all we deserve it – right!).

After settling in yesterday, I took the afternoon to check out the local gourmet boutiques (you aren’t in the west now Kimmie). WOW, there are some beautiful things with what I call not so beautiful prices (lol), but in true style I snagged a bargain (a fashionable piece to go over my swimmers – win).

Take out for dinner (even great chef’s like Karl need to have a break) and couple of ciders and how relaxed are we! We are graced by a visit from a friendly face who traveled far to say HI and to get some milk on is way home….

Off to bed after a hard day (not) and time to wind down.


Not a very good nights sleep – the locals are rowdy and the light is streaming in the bedroom (even with the blinds closed) eventually we dose off but ARGHHH it’s not even 6am!!! and we are awake – what’s going on here??

Breaky – tick, swimmers on – tick,

Modelling the fashion item & chillaxing with a coffee

Modelling the fashion item & chillaxing with a coffee

OK Sweety take me to the beach for our morning walk, swim, etc…..  A little heads up here – I am not the beach type, can cope with the sand but out in the water that’s a whole different story.   Walk done, now for the swim (I didn’t buy these swimmers for nothing). Karl’s gone in a flash, gettin amongst it while I’m dottering about walking my way in (the water wasn’t that cold) but I hate getting my face wet….LOL (you’re at the beach Kimmie that’s what happens). Anyways, Karl did come back for me & I clamped onto his arm like an octopus and he took me out a bit. Got smashed!! Karl laughed, I spat out sea water…lol – was fun.

Walk back and a stressful day begins. Even Ella has had trouble adapting to the new lifestyle – don’t you think?

Karl & Ella struggling.....

Karl & Ella struggling…..

Riding Miss Daisy

Daisy is a country girl, born and raised in our Country & Western Region of Australia (partial to a little bit of Keith Urban, I believe).   For her age – 14 (don’t tell her I told you she’s a bit sensitive) she’s in really good shape, I’d even go as far to say as good as new!  A bit of negotiation with her current owner and the deal was agreed.  Saturday saw Karl & I road tripping in the car (with tools and both sets of riding gear) to Armidale to check her out and hopefully bring her home.

Arriving in Armidale under stormy skies and pelting rain I wasn’t too impressed to be taking her for a test ride in this, but I did anyway and was not disappointed.  Came back with a huge smile on my face – the deal was sealed.

Before riding her home (just over 500kays) Karl required to work his magic to lower her for me (lucky it wasn’t that difficult, just tricky working in someone else’s garage in crappy weather). Thanks Sweety!!  Geared up and pouring rain we start for home….Karl in the car and me riding Miss Daisy.

What a different experience, the thump of a single, the whir of the tyres, the solid seat (or the concrete g-string as I have renamed it-the seat that is), heated grips, touring screen, IMS 20lt tank and highway pegs – ya gotta love them. How interesting is the ride, well totally different to Angel. The tyres make a burring sound like a baby mack truck..lol, the front tyre isn’t great so tipping in doesn’t happen so I was steering her around. Daisy is more upright, 100kgs lighter, more bouncy and rides through more strenuous conditions with ease – what a HOOT!!! Can’t wait to take her out with some decent tyres to see how we both go.

Daisy clicked over a milestone on the way home.

17,000 original kays (thaankfully the rain had stopped for a few minutes)

17,000 original kays (thaankfully the rain had stopped for a few minutes)

We find a lost soul (Smurfette) along the way. A quick stop in Scone for fuel and she says “Oh Smurf, we forgot the jam and cream Kimmie”…lol! We finally after many hours arrive home at just after 9:00pm, tuck Daisy safely away in the garage and head to bed.

Smurfette trying out a spot on Daisy

Smurfette trying out a spot on Daisy

Daisy is in really good condition, service records, tidy body, ok shoes and a few extra accessories which are all ok. However, I’d really like to see what she’s made of, so it’s time to pull her apart and have a good look. Hoowee, the sprocket cover is yuk and the chain and sprockets are buggered  – like 14 years of build up but it doesn’t stop there, she’s like it all underneath.

Sprocket cover

Sprocket cover

front of the swingarm

front of the swingarm

dog bone and rear linkage

dog bone and rear linkage

Sorry, I should’ve warned you that you were going to look under Daisy’s skirt…oops!

Degreaser is my best friend today, but Smurfette also wants to help out (really Smurfette, do you know what to do with that screwdriver).

Kimmie if you can get dirty, why can't I?

Kimmie if you can get dirty, why can’t I?

List of parts required: new tyres, chain and sprockets, swing arm chain guide, gaiters (not the snappy type) – not a bad list considering.

List of wants: comfy seat, new grips, HID head light, LED spot lights, panniers, GPS cradle and mounts, power socket and I’m sure there’s going to be more.

Anyways, here she is undressed



So have you figured out what Daisy is yet? Well here you go, meet Daisy!

Suzuki DR 650 – 1999 with 17,390 on the clock.

Miss DAISY!!

Miss DAISY!!


Oxley….how many times?

ha ha ha…….as many times as you want!! that was Karl’s plan. This ride was Karl’s brain child in a small window of opportunity (these don’t come by very often). The seeds were sown and the lonely flower of the group did what she does best, booked some great accommodation while the thorns set about plotting a cunning plan….mwahahaha.

McGraths Hills Macca’s was the start point for this adventure and here we are……Salute!! LOL

You think we're happy...hell yeah!!

You think we’re happy…hell yeah!!

As you can see it wasn’t an early start, but it was still a bit fresh and we were pumped…..”let’s GO”!!

Kimmie has no mogo this morning so I’m happy to run the rear. Haven’t been well all week, but after going to the doctors on Wednesday he told me “there’s nothing wrong with you, go take panadol”. Where do some of these quacks get there qualifications, the cornflake box!! The boys smashed it up the Putty and waited for me after 10mile 🙂 thanks boys xx

Singleton for fuel, then onto Gloucester for lunch. Very busy today but the bakery for pies and I think a sambo for one was the winner. Suns a shining but the wind chill factor is well……attention grabbing. Thunderbolts north of Gloucester is absolute **shite**, rough surface, road works, gravel, road works, windy and chilly, but hey, ya know what – who cares we’re gonna do the Oxley…ner ner ne ner ner!!

The further north we head the windier it gets and the brrrr factor is like ice. My heated grips have stopped working and my hands are frozen stiff, bugger. Thunderbolts does improve though and the servo in Walcha was a welcoming sight and we all dismounted shivering, but the best was yet to come. All except for Pete love a hot cuppa, so I thinks (one of those light bulb moments) “Tim Tam’s” tonight with a cuppa relaxing – noice and I sneakily buy Tim Tam’s from the servo *thumbs up* (the boys don’t know…lol)

The sun is starting to lower it’s head as we hit the straights out of Walcha before hitting the curvaceous and tantalising section into Gingers Creek. The guys have huge smiles on there faces as I pull into Gingers freezing. Have I told you my heated grips stopped working…grrr, I mean brrrrr. Here’s where I earnt my weight in gold, well Tim Tam’s anyways. Quote of the day “you’re a good woman Kimmie – a keeper I’d say”.

a little sumfing for later!!

a little sumfing for later!!

The Oxley is always a delight to ride despite the road works and the couple of chopped up corners and today was no exception. For me it was cruising down this holy mountain, taking in the sights and the smells while trying to keep focused on not having cold hands and practising my lines as I caress the curves of this mighty road.

As the suns slowly sets, a magical moment. Peace and serenity.

As the suns slowly sets, a magical moment. Peace and serenity.

Arriving into Long Flat – Travellers Rest Hotel (our digs for the night) and it’s dusk.  Pete & Ben beat me down and it wasn’t long before Karl and Paul arrive. Lap 1 completed.

ducks in a row

ducks in a row

We weren’t the only riders staying here tonight. Most of us get settled but Paul has an issue…..

surgery by torch light

surgery by torch light

something to do with the head stem bearing. I left them to sort it out while I unpacked and attempted to make myself beautiful!..lol Dinner at 6:30pm and the food is good….value for money (huge servings). The guys were surprised I got through 98% of mine.

Mum & Dad

Mum & Dad

the "Children"

the “Children”

Now what is a ride trip without bike modifications, now really…..yep Pete needs to make some adjustments to his new weapon. Out into the cold night air with tool kits and torches at hand and they discuss the first world problems and how to rectify the suspension. I thought it best to make tea and bring out the Tim Tam’s at this time….LOL…”onya mum!”

It’s an early night for Karl and I but the children decided well they’re not “that old”, “really 9:30pm you can’t be serious! ” So we left them to there own devices.  Now the accommodation, it’s basic but when we stay there next time I’ll be requesting another room. There was this smell…oooeee but it was a bed and it was dry and reasonably warm (inside).

Saturday 18th May 13

What a beautiful day! The sun is bursting through and Karl and I are up, dressed, packed, had breakky (which is included in the room rate – awesome) but the boys well, are still in bed.

the little sleeping beauties (ogers)...lol

Ben, Paul & Pete – the little sleeping beauties (ogers)…lol

Come on guys, really it’s after 7 – what’s wrong with you!

the toys all tucked away

the toys all tucked away

Now I can’t go without getting a “bike in front of pub” pic

Travellers Rest Hotel - Long Flat

Travellers Rest Hotel – Long Flat

Finally, there is life

Karl, me & Paul

Karl, me & Paul

We leave Ben and Pete in bed and tell them we’ll meet them at Gingers. The plan for the day do as many laps as you want but I was having afternoon tea in Walcha (don’t care what you guys do) and be in Bendemeer by 5ish.

Karl & Paul are gone, so I made my own way up. It’s a beautiful morning, fresh, crisp, birdies flying high and the cows are grazing. Time for some pics.

Just out of Long Flat

Just out of Long Flat

Check out how blue and clear the sky is.



Onto the climb up the Oxley. Shadows are cast over the road with glimmers of sunshine peaking through the trees, warming the road surface and me. Nice and steady, it’s a great morning to be meandering through the mighty mountain and before long into Gingers Creek. Brrr, it’s a bit fresh so a hot chocolate is in order and boys have had coffee. But Karl & Paul have itchy throttle wrists and they decide to head off to Kangaroo Flat Rd while we are waiting for Ben & Pete.

Everyone at Gingers and Ben suggests we should get a group photo at the famous Kangaroo Flat Rd (famous you say….well, yes but that’s another story for someone else to tell). Lap 2 completed and we gather for the group photo (it’s still a bit windy and cool).

the FAMOUS Kangaroo Flat Rd

the FAMOUS Kangaroo Flat Rd

Back down the hill and we roll into Long Flat – Lap 3 completed and looky me it’s lunch time. The boys wanted lunch at Gingers but I just couldn’t go the stint without food…sorry guys. Fuel for the steads and us (pretty average at the general store) but there ain’t much choice in good old Long Flat.

What’s that, we have to go back up the Oxley…..oh darn..LOL are you kidding me!!! We are having a great day!! We leave in stages and as usual I am last again and get to ride with all my friends…me, me and oh me! The heat of the day was lunch and layers came off but as we are afterall heading into winter the heat doesn’t last long. About time I stopped and got a pic of this sign. It’s the start of the windy section of road that is the mecca of the Oxley Highway…..the reason we all come here.

hi ho, hi ho, it's up the hill we go!!!

hi ho, hi ho, it’s up the hill we go!!!

As you can see it’s nearly 2:00pm and I AM having afternoon tea in Walcha. I’ve been dreaming of hot scones with jam and cream all weekend so get a wriggle on Kimmie!

Into Gingers the boys are waiting for me – Lap 4 done, and they are ready for a cuppa. Karl & I get going again headed for Walcha, scones and a hot cuppa. The sun is sinking and I am getting cold again but I love the top section of the Oxley after Gingers and I come alive as we hit Big Sky Country. Long sweepers, you know the scene and the story, I’ve told it many times before.

I pull up outside the Walcha Cafe – a beautifully renovated old pub that is now a 50’s style Cafe with accommodation. Open the door and am greeted with absolute warmth (yeah, they have the fireplace going….it’s bloody cold outside, brrrr).

Walcha Cafe

Walcha Cafe

I order scones, jam and cream and the lady says “sorry love we are out of scones” NOOOOOO  you can’t be serious there must be at least one back there! But NO and she offers me a heated double choc chip muffin with a massive serving of cream…disappointed, but OK and I ordered two pots of tea to go with it.

tea and muffin with cream

tea and muffin with cream

So, it’s 2nd place with the muffin but you know what it was pretty nice and the tea was good. The children arrive as we are finishing our tea and they order their beverages before we headed off to Bendemeer. Was a shame to leave the warmth of the Cafe I tell you.

I also love this section of road from Walcha to Bendemeer. The boys do some bike whoring and Ben & I are last to leave. The two birds (thems the bikes for those that don’t get it) setting a nice pace, weaving our way through on the ribbon that wraps around this country. It’s cold, no heated grips, nevermind. The sun is slowly sinking into the cloud line but manages to catch my line of sight entering a few corners for which I had to slow down for. Ben & I are having a great ride out $1.50 through here no problem, but it’s over all too soon and we reach Bendemeer pub (where we are staying tonight).

The food here is awesome (as always) and with full bellies and few drinks (for the boys that is) many stories are told and laughed at. Time is ticking away and mum and dad say goodnight. The children however have plans to watch the qualifying round of the Moto GP – which I am told they did before the Tv was promptly turned off by the publican.

Sunday 19th May 13

Eventually we are all together at the cafe had breaky and decide on the route home. Now back in Walcha, Thunderbolts to Gloucester and then lets see.

Bendemeer Cafe - breakfast choice of champions

Bendemeer Cafe – breakfast choice of champions

Have I told you at all this trip how friggin cold it was……well this morning was no different – freeeezing and windy! The road hadn’t changed much since we came up it on Friday so nothing much to report except we all managed to ride reasonably together…shock! A quick stop at Camerons lookout (north of Gloucester) and chat to an old dude on a GS.

still blowing a gale and brrrrr...

still blowing a gale and brrrrr…

Super model material, aren’t I…LOL!

Into Gloucester for fuel (thankfully it’s warmer) and we decide to head to the freeway and Heatherbrae for lunch. The Golden Arches it is, not 5 star dining but hey we wanna get home. It’s here we split up, so say our fare thee wells and we gets going.

Karl & I pull in home about 3-3:30 and happy to be there.

All in all a great weekend was had by all. How many times did we do the Oxley…4!! Were we happy – HELL YEAH!!!  Would we do it all again even with the cold weather – In a heart beat!!!

So there you go folks, we motorcycle riders don’t care what the elements throw at us, we are just happy to be out there doin’ what we love to do – ride this great country of ours.

See you on a road somewhere *thumbs up*