BDR Day 2 Tamworth-Nyngan

I woke this morning at 5:36 to the sound of birds tweeting and the bloke in the tent behind my cabin snoring…LOL

It was a hard morning for me. I’d packed up and was ready to go and wham, the flood gates of emotions took hold. The memory of my best friend on the 1 year to the day that she lost her fight with the Black Dog bit hard. So I was delayed a little….so what.

Off to get fuel and opposite the servo is this beautiful church. I’m not religious but spared a moment, to park out the front of it and said a small prayer. I love you Darani and I know you are travelling with me today.

Tamworth Church

Down to the Bicentennial Park for the Lions breakky meet point and wait and wait. Now being as shy as I am, I’ve managed to meet some new friends and we will travel together today…awesome. We get away ahead of the bunch so we can have morning tea in Coonabarabran.

Phil, Kim, me, Shauna & Peter

Shauna & Peter headed back home today so I am riding with Phil & Kim.

In Coona, Kim spotted this lovely park so that’s where we had morning tea. Chatting away about life and the Black Dog Ride and again I am overwhelmed when I explain why this ride in particluar today is so important to me. I’d never met Kim until yesterday but she came round and gave me the biggest hug and let me grieve – thank you.

view from the park in Coonabarabran

On the road again, just can’t wait to…….sorry a bit side tracked. Ah yeah that’s right we’re heading to Gilgandra for lunch by the wonderful Lions Club. The weather gods have turned on a beautiful day, suns out, NO wind (phew) and the breeze is fresh….noice.

What a cruisey day and the scenery is georgeous. Canola fields & wattle trees are the flavour of the day. Wide open spaces, livestock, road trains (must’ve been more than 20 in 150 kays), cotton fields and locals waving at us as we pass through various towns.

Right on 4:00 we roll into Nyngan and are welcomed “to the great outback”

Phil & Kim are camping so they head to get the best pick of sites and I head for my cabin. Now I had a bit of trouble parking the bike on argh gravel….so went and asked for some help. Instead was asked by Simon Bouda to park my bike in place on the grass ready for the news broadcast we was doing. So keep watching CH9 you might see Angel.

Showered and time to socialise now. Quick cuppa with more new friends Noel, Audrey, Colleen & …..oh damn I’ve forgotten her hubbies name, then off to the BBQ for dinner.

Now during the day the “fun police” have been out fining people for various things. And yep, you guessed it, I’ve been fined. Bet ya can’t guess what for though….thinking, thinking….oh ok I’ll tell you…….I was fined $2 for being too organised LOL. I just don’t know what they’re going on about, can you imagine that.

Dinner done, more pics taken of & with new friends and something Dad asked me to get……an autogragh from Angry Anderson. Speeches from the ride co-ordinator and the Mayor of Nyngan along with a generous donation from the town and I’m ready to settle in for the night.

Nyngan digs

So here I am in bed, with the memory of a loved one for who I am dedicating this ride to.

Todays map

Karl I wish you were here.


BDR Day 1 Sydney-Tamworth

You couldn’t have asked for a better morning, the sun out, the skies clear and all is good. A deep breathe and I roll out the drive for our meet point in Castle Hill.

The street is blocked off and so many bikes already there when I arrive. I saw sense and parked close to where I thought we would head out (turned out to be a good choice). Many more soon pull in and I think we totalled 120ish bikes.

Dave, Anny (lady I’ll be riding home with) then Karl arrive and the hype in Castle Hill is in full swing, people everywhere, the Lions Club doing a cracker job with breakfast and 2GB provided the entertainment. My extended family arrive and it’s then that the boiling pot of emotions starts to hit and it’s real, the reason I am doing this ride. Tears are flowing and I can’t describe how I felt…..I just cried.

My extended family

The signals given to get ready. I say my “see you laters” to everyone and extra long hugs for Karl (who I am going to miss terribly). The countdown is on as we wait for the checkered flag and Channel 9 so we can head off. Final waves and thumbs up and we’re off.

Once the pack breaks up and we hit the Putty Rd and the wind picks up. It’s so windy that branches have broken and are scattered on the road as we ride through. We stop for morning tea at The Grey Gums and people are already complaining how cold it is…..not me, I’ve got all the right gear on..phew!

Grey Gums Cafe

Next stop Muswellbrook, where the Lions Club have once again provided a lunch for us. The wind just hasn’t given us a break and think this is just gonna be how the whole day will be. Anyways, fuel then food, a bit of a chat to some people I’ve today and we are off again bound for Tamworth.

I’ve found a couple of bikes that I like sitting with and we cruise our way through the back towns of Quirindi & Werris Crk…I even overtook the Channel 9 crew at one point and sat with Simon Bouda. He was a little to slow for me and off I go.

Just outside of Tamworth we regroup again, Simon does his thing, the Lions Club are there with “hot” tea & coffee and it’s damn freezing. I tell ya it was warmer riding in the wind than standing around in it. Anyways CH9 need footage for the news of us in mass heading into Tamworth. So on mass we give them…..have now idea if I made the telly, hopefully someone can tell me.

Finally check in at my digs for the night and then it’s off to the Bowlo for dinner by….guess who….well that was easy – The Lions Club.  Pretty awesome meal but I’m tired as are most and it’s an early wind blown night.

My digs

And so you know where, I’ve been here’s todays map

Thank you everyone for your “wonderful phrase”, “best wishes” and “good lucks”, they are all much appreciated.

Sleep now……tomorrow is a big one (emotionally)


1 more sleep

The emotions are a pot just burbling away at the moment, just waiting to escape. I know they will catch up with me & boil over it’s just a matter of when.

I’m already to go & have received today & tonight so many well wishes that I am truly greatfull for.

Thank you again to everyone that has donated to this cause& to everyone for you support…I couldn’t do this without you all.

So goodnight for now.
Catch up again tomorrow from on the road.

5 days to go

…….and I’m off for 14 days on an adventure I’ll never forget.

But the ride isn’t about me, it’s about raising awareness and FUNDS for the Black Dog Institute. The funds go towards educational programmes, community initiatives, health seminars and outreach programs for rural communities and they are very much needed.
To everyone that has donated to this cause thus far THANK YOU your efforts will make a big difference in someone’s life.

The individual funds raising rankings are below:

1. Simon Bouda – $11,840.00 AUD

2. Ian Thomsen – $8,300.00 AUD

3. Peter Simmonds – $6,878.65 AUD

4. Steve Mckenzie – $4,868.80 AUD

5. Kim Rodger – $4,700.00 AUD

So come on everyone, stop thinking about it. My target is $5000, I’m nearly there. The donation you make, not matter how small WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE in someone’s life. It could be someone you know, a relative, loved one, friend……

Pull out your wallet click on this link and donate to the Black Dog Institute. They need your help!!

11 days to go……..

……and I head out of Sydney with a hoard of others bound for Alice Springs for the Black Dog Institute, raising awareness for Depression and mental illness and hopefully much needed funds.

THANK YOU to all that have donated so far. With your generous support I have now increased my limit to $5000 and am now sitting at $4420…… come on, if you’ve been thinking you should contribute but haven’t yet click here . A small donation of $2, less than the cost of a cuppa coffee is the start to making a difference in someone’s life.

So, I’ve been busy updating my ride plan (to & from Alice), booked all my accommodation and I even have a ride buddy to travel home with (yes, I can see your smiles and understood your concerns of me travelling home on my own).

Packing in advance, Karl says pift but me I’ve gotta do it…..everything has it’s place. What I’ve learnt this weekend is that I had my packing well a little squewiff. Have re-jigged the distribution now and fingers crossed all is good. Karl has also stiffened the pre-load to help with the extra weight, just need to test it out now.

To find out about the Black Dog Institute you can read more here

Thanks for reading.


5 weeks and counting

WOW, hasn’t the time flown!!

This time in 5 weeks the NSW contingent of the Black Dog Ride will be pulling into Tamworth for the end of day 1 in our journey to The Red Centre.

I can only continue to thank everyone who has donated to date. With your help my fund raising tally is sitting at $4030 (which has me sitting at the 3rd highest individual fund raiser), excellent work everyone and even better for the The Black Dog Institute.

If you’ve thinking, I should’ve done this already and haven’t you can click here

To help spread the word and get behind the Black Dog Institute and all the people like me making this journey there is a flyer available. If you’d like a copy of this to put up, go to the “contact me” tab at the top of the page and drop me a line.


Thanks 🙂

Winstons Oxley Trip – day 3

Bit of a chilly morning and Kimmie had a rough night but still managed to put a smile on her face. A much easier pace today and we just cruised at the back… little ears got a bit chilly…. brrrr

A little bit up the road and I could sense something was up with Kimmie. Unfortunately, I am a constant reminder to her of the tragedy by bite can inflict. Our pace slowed but she pushed on like a champion til we met everyone at Gingers Creek. It was only then that I realised how upset Kimmie was. Memories last a lifetime but the pain the memories disturb take you by surprise. Luckily Kimmie has Karl and a bunch of wonderful friends and they supported her while taking in a little snapshot of what this ride means to her and for the Black Dog Institute.

The Thunderbolts Way is a road with a bit of everything, even slippery red mud…YUK. By the time we got to Gloucester for lunch all the bikes had this sticky red mud stuck to them. Thank goodness I managed to stay clean, well as clean as a dog gets anyways.

An easy trip to Heatherbrae where we say our farewells to the group and Kimmie, Karl and I head on home. We finally arrive home just after 5:30pm and happy to be home.

Kimmie’s trip and setup shake down ran to plan and I’m very proud of her.

I took this photo this morning of all Kimmie’s wonderful friends that I got to meet this weekend and I thank you all for embracing her when she needed it.

Kimmie’s friends


Winstons Oxley Trip – day 2

Oh boy, did I get some wind through my fur today or what…….I think or what – go Kimmie.

We were blessed today with bea-uti-ful weather. I could’ve just sat up there and happily barked while Kimmie cruised her way through those lovely bends. A bit of the way up Kimmie thought it would be nice to stop for a piccy and look at the lovely scenery. As she gave me a pat, I could see that she was alittle upset, I think she was remembering her friend who unfortunately my bite got to.

Pretty happy with the view

We meet up with everyone at Gingers Creek for a break before heading off again for our next stop in Walcha. Just as it opens up into “Big Sky Country”, Kimmie pulls over – what for, ahh she is thinking of her friend again and how she loved our beautiful country and wishes she could share the moment with her.

Big Sky Country – The Oxley Hway

Fuel at Walcha and off again we go, destination Bendemeer for lunch. You could tell Kimmie loves this bit of road and I must say I didn’t mind it myself…Woof Woof!! Think I got a bit of – or what stuck in my fur…..

Time goes too quick and we have to head back, back down those lovely roads…snigger snigger. Another stop at Gingers Creek, waiting for the group to get back together then off again.

We stop at Wauchope for Kimmie to change her visor (she was having trouble seeing as the sun had gone down) and remembered that her friend has other friends in this town that she would talk about. I think Kimmie is really missing her friend.

Don’t know what time we got back but it was dark and we were glad to be back at our digs. Kimmie said to me that “I am a constant reminder of the darkness that can overwhelm people and hopes that more people will become aware of The Black Dog and ask questions if they see me”.


Winstons Oxley Shake Down – day 1

Kimmie’s been frantically trying to get things ready for the BDR to Alice that she’s taking me on. My seating arrangement has been modified now that Karl has installed the panniers (bless him for his hard work) and I now have a nice comfy place on the pillion seat…WOOF!!

Noice – comfy seat

So this morning we headed off for Port Macquarie via Putty Rd, Maitland, Dungog, Gloucester, Taree & at just after 5:00pm we finally arrived. Finally cos it rained most of the way and I got very wet on the pillion seat but Kimmie seemed to be happy and dry…growl.

I got to dry off a little bit at Gloucester when we stopped for lunch

Drying out at Gloucester

The highlight for me today was this morning on the way to meet point, a ute with a couple of fella’s pulled up next to us and gave us a big “thumbs ups” after seeing me proudly sitting on the back… BARK!! I think we both had a moment.



Update on Preparation

People have been stopping me asking “so how are you going with the prep”, “well done on the fund raising” so I thought I’d give you a little update.

Firstly, I’d like to thank all who have donated to the Black Dog Institute through my fund raising drive. I set a personal goal of $3000 and with all you wonderful people, my tally is sitting at $2600 at the moment. Hopefully with 7 weeks to go, I’ll hit the goal.

How’s everything else going, pretty good!! I’m finally back in the saddle for short stints and as you do, pushing the boundaries.  Fingers crossed my fitness continues to improve.

The trip home from Glen Helen Resort was finalised today….YAY!!! I have to thank a few people for their input and guidance on this one though – Paul, Mick, Jeff, Dad & John.

Now I’m in the process of booking the accomodation for the home trip. The funny bit is ringing some of these places and chatting to them. Some places are in the back of no where and the blokes that answer the phone well are…..(use your imagination). The phrase “how ya goin’ darl”, “na love”, “we gotta a bed in the room & if ya lucky ya might ‘ave a shower” all in that aussie drawl have been my favourites to chuckle at after I hang up.  So with a bit of luck and more google research that’ll be nutted out in a week or so.

Will work on some maps so y’all can see where I’m going and can relate as the journey grows while I’m on the road.

That’s it for now.